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"Blair!" A male voice called drawing her out of the concentrated state she had been in as she read quietly in her bunk. She leaned over and peered out the side curtain. Surprisingly, it was Rian, the bassist of Blake's band, calling for her. She cocked her head to the side, a little confused but also curious as to what he could want.

"Yeah?" She called back to him.

"We're all going to head down to the beach and find something to eat if you want to go with us."

"Does Blake want me to go? Would it be okay?" She questioned.

"Well, I mean, you're his girlfriend.." She went to protest but he held up a hand and rolled his eyes. "I know, I know, you guys 'haven't labeled it'" He said with air quotations. "You two just suck face every chance you get to rouse up the fans and tabloids for no apparent reason. You two might as well be dating so do you want to come with us or not?"

"I only hold off to give him space to have 'guy time'." She laughed. "But if I'm not imposing, I could definitely go for some food."

"Get your ass up then, we're leaving in ten."

Blair smiled and dropped down from her bunk grabbing a pair of jeans and one of Blake's sweaters that she had claimed as her own. She undressed and quickly slipped the pants up her legs before tossing the shirt over her head and beginning the search for her socks and shoes. When she had assembled herself for the day she headed for the bus door.

"Hi, babe." Blake greeted, the corners of his mouth lifting as she skipped down the stairs.

"Hi." she smiled standing on her tiptoes to offer him a chaste kiss. "I'm excited to finally spend some time with your bandmates. I've been trying to figure out how to approach them for the whole two weeks we've been on tour." She admitted.

"I don't know why, they suck." He said loud enough so that the rest of the group could hear him.

Dex turned around and flipped him off. "Speak for yourself Everett."

"What do you guys want to eat?" Kace yelled back to the pair as he, Dex, Rian, along with the boys security guard Kai, walked ahead of them.

"I don't know probably some food." Blair smirked. Blake let out a short laugh beside her.

"Yeah, she'll fit right in with this group." Dex said, matter of factly.

Blake reached between them grabbing Blair's hand in his. He loved the warmth it provided, not only to his hand but also to his heart. An organ that recently was beginning to feel a lot more viable. The Florida air was warm for February, but it wasn't the weather that was helping to unthaw his frozen heart.

"So.." He said, clearing his throat and tugging on their joined hands. He slowed their pace so that he could talk to her without the risk of the others overhearing. "We're going to be in New York next week and that also happens to be when Valentine's Day is." He told her slowly, trying to watch her face to gauge her reaction to the direction the conversation had taken. Seeing her eyes light up at his words, he felt his confidence grow. "I was wondering if I might could take you out."

"Blake Everett." She said, sounding every bit the Southern born woman she was. "Are you asking me to be your Valentine?" Her smile covered her face.

God, he loved her smile.

"Yeah, I guess I am." He replied nervously, reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck.

"Well then, I'd love to." She said leaning into his side and kissing his cheek."

"Get a room lovebirds!" Rian yelled back to them.

Blake moved quickly, pulling Blair ahead with him until they were even with the others, placing his hand behind her neck and dipping her for a long and obnoxious kiss. They both burst into fits of giggles at the boys various reactions of disgust as they came up for air. Blake intertwining their fingers once again as their group continued on towards the restaurants that lined the street by the water.

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