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31 weeks

"Blair, come on. I haven't done anything!" He said his feet moving briskly behind her as she walked quickly in front of him trying to get away.

"It's been going on for a week Blake. Every night she touches you or says something inappropriate and you just continue to let her." Blair said flatly as she approached her dressing room. She twisted the knob on the door and entered, leaving it open behind her knowing he'd just break it down if she tried to lock him out at the moment. He shut it behind him and leaned against it, his hands over his chest as he looked to her across the room in her seat on the couch of the room.

"You can't honestly tell me you're jealous of her!" He said after a moment, his eyebrows pushed together. His face was scrunched in concerned and confusion and his hand tugged at the mess of curls on the top of his head.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just fucking annoyed." She responded honestly.

His lips pursed and he moved to sit beside her.

"Why are you annoyed?" He asked her evenly. He wanted to understand but he didn't understand where her annoyance with him was coming from.

She scoffed and let out a humorless laugh before she spoke. "Because Blake, She's trying to prove a point or make a move— I don't know what her intentions are right now—but they're nothing good. She's talented and fucking hot and I look like a whale right now. My emotions are all out of sorts and I just feel like she's trying to take you from me or something."

She finished her speech in a flurry. Her words were fast and her breathing short and his mouth twisted up into a smile as he stared at his clasped hands in front of his face as he turned his head to look at her.

"Are you that naive?" He asked her.

Her lips parted slightly and she gave him a confused stare.


"Blair, I can't even see anyone but you. You're my whole world and some new singer trying to flirt with me or whatever isn't going to change that. How could you even doubt me like that? Don't you know how much I love you?" He asked her, his voice was raspy and his eyebrows were raised as his question lingered.

She closed her lips as she considered his question.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly, her cheeks flushing from embarrassment over her reaction to the whole ordeal.

"Don't apologize for your feelings, Blair. I'm not the best at noticing things you have to tell me when something is bothering you." He said.

His hand trailed up, his fingers brushing over her red tinged cheek as his fingers ran through her soft blonde hair and tucked a stray piece back behind her ear.

"Come on." He stood, offering his hand for her to take. She gave him a questioning stare as she took his hand and pulled herself from her seat.

"Where are we going?" She asked, a laugh escaping her and he pulled her along behind him apparently moving with purpose towards some destination that was unknown to her.

"If you're doubting my love for you I know my words won't convince you because you're hard headed. I'm gonna show you." He said, a determined look on his face.

A shiver ran through her at his words as he directed her to her bus, their bus. The smartest thing they'd done this tour was to invest in a bus for themselves complete with a real bed.

He spun and sat on the edge of the mattress, grabbing her waist and pulling her forward to join their lips as she kicked the door shut behind them.

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