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"Blake?" Blair called out, following after him as he began to head back to the bus.

"You wanna go for a walk?"

He bit his lip almost hesitantly as he weighed his options. There were two ways this could play out: he could say yes and get to spend time with the girl who even when he was confused by his feelings for her, put a smile on his face; or he could hold his ground. He could say no and risk losing her for good because he wanted more than what she was offering right now. In that scenario he'd surely only end up hurting.

The options weighed for a moment more before he made his decision, grabbing a jacket before nodding his head yes. Because really, he was a masochist at heart.

"So..." She said after a while, allowing her words to drift off, shuffling her feet as she walked beside him in silence, trying to decide where to go from there.

"So." He said back.

"I'm sorry!" They both blurted at the same time. Blair giggled and the corners of Blake's mouth slipped upwards into the slightest hint of a smile.

"You first." Blake said, nudging his shoulder into Blair's softly as they continued walking beneath the glow of the city lights. He dared a glance over to her and couldn't help but admire the way she practically glowed as the gentle light casted over her.

She took a big breath and blew it out as a sigh. "I'm just sorry that I made things complicated between us. Everything was so good, so nice and then I started overthinking and, I don't know, I guess it just all felt too perfect, too surreal. Like if I screwed it up and let myself enjoy it, it might all slip from my grasp." There was a reverent honesty in her words and immediately there was a sense of relief with that off her chest.

"I understand where you were coming from but you can't think like that, B. If there's anything I've learned from all this, it's that you have to take risks, you have to go for it. I think this could be worth taking a risk? Don't you?"

He stopped walking and his fingertips grazed her elbows as she stood in front of him. His eyes darted from hers to her lips and back again. He inched closer and any last pieces of his resolve gave way as she let him bring their lips together.

A hungry desire fueled his kiss, days of longing unleashed and Blair hummed against his lips. Their noses brushed and his hand found its way to the back of her neck as he desperately tried to pull her closer.

"Wait—" She said pushing against his chest. "What are we doing? Are we sure about this?"

"I'm sure about you." He said. She smiled back at him satisfied with his answer.

Care to explain?

Blair clicked open the text from Brooke and stared at the picture attached, her mouth slightly gaped

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Blair clicked open the text from Brooke and stared at the picture attached, her mouth slightly gaped.

Where did you get that?"

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