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"A train!" Scotty yelled as Blake repeated the downward pulling motion with his left arm.

"An eighteen wheeler!" Blair screamed as Blake pointed to her with a wide grin.

"That's bullshit." Scotty said, exasperated as Blake added the points to he and Blair's team on the scoreboard.

He held his hand up for a high five as he plopped down next to her on the couch and threw his arm around her shoulder.

"Alright, I think that's enough charades for tonight." Blake's mom, Andrea, said clasping her hands and standing. "We have a tree to trim and wine to drink."

"Christmas is tomorrow and she hasn't decorated the tree?" Blair whispered lowly, for just Blake to hear, as they all stood and followed after his mother.

"She always waits for us all to be home." He said simply, reaching down between them and taking her hand in his.

His desire to touch her since they had entered his mother's home did not go unnoticed by Blair but she didn't want to call attention to it, selfishly fearful that if she brought it up he might shy away from her. That he might stop.

She let him pull her to the sunroom in the back of the house where a large Christmas tree stood, decked only in white lights, waiting to be adorned.

"Did you bring my ornament?" Andrea asked looking back to Blake.

"Yeah, it's in my bag let me go get it." Blair gave him a confused look but he just shrugged, dropping her hand and heading for the stairs. She turned to Andrea hoping for an explanation.

"Every year Paper Parachute releases a Christmas ornament in their merch shop and I make Blake bring me one for the tree! All our ornaments are family related, I have ones from teaching, the boys dad was in the navy, so we have Navy ones for him, medical ones for Scotty, Air Force ones for Cash, and the band ones for Blake! Plus we have tons of old ones from when the boys were little, I'm sure Blake will love you getting to see those." She laughed uncorking a bottle of wine and pouring everyone a glass.

"White okay?" She looked up, gesturing to the wine.

"It's great!" Blair said, grabbing the glass. "And aww, baby Blake's little homemade ornaments!" She said dramatically as Blake reappeared with a small box handing it to his mother.

"Don't judge me when you see them, I was little and forced into it." He groaned.

"I love this one!" His mom said, opening the red box. The ornament was black with a band photo and their logo on it.

"I hate the picture they picked, I look stupid, but whatever."

"Nonsense, it's going with the others. Everybody grab a box and start decorating! That means you too, Blair." Andrea smiled over at her and Blair moved dutifully along with the boys grabbing up a box of ornaments and beginning to hang them on random limbs.

"Oh my God, it's a Blake reindeer!" She laughed, looking at the small creation. A foam reindeer body with a picture of Blake's face where it's head should have been.

"I was like six! Don't laugh!" He groaned, reaching around her to swipe it from her grasp. The redness had returned to his cheeks and Blair chuckled once more before returning to the task at hand.

Over the next hour the Everett family tree was covered in a hodgepodge of ornaments and the five of them consumed four large bottles of Christmas wine.

Blair in particular seemed to be feeling the affects of the inebriating liquid as she swayed slightly on her feet.

"Easy there, tiger." Blake said reaching out to steady her. She responded by letting her body fall against his, his grip on her tightening as he kept her standing. "Think it might be time for someone here to get to bed. We'll see you guys in the morning. Love you!" He called behind him as he gently pulled Blair along with him up the stairs.

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