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"I can't believe tour ends in a week." Blair huffed as she took a seat in one of the thousands that filled the arena.

Blake sat down beside her throwing his arm across the back of her seat as she leaned into him.

"It always seems to take forever to get here and to go by so quickly."

"I think it'll be good to be back in LA for a while. I miss it. I miss Deno and my favorite coffee shop, our diner, my bed, just being able to not have every minute of every day scheduled, all of it." She admitted as she let her eyes wander around the venue that would soon be filled with thousands of screaming fans.

"You know you'll still be busy when we get back, right? Full length albums don't write themselves and I'm sure Tidal will want you to do at least one music video. The way your EP has been doing they're sure to want to take advantage of the moment."

Blair nodded but stayed quiet. She didn't want to think about the work that was surely waiting for her when they arrived. She was ecstatic to be home but she dreaded what it would mean for she and Blake.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Blake asked, cocking his head to look at her.

"I just, I don't know what the future will hold for us." She said softly.

"No one does." He said back quickly, not in the head space to deal with that particular conversation.

"Yeah, but most people don't have to deal with two completely insane schedules. You guys tour ten months out of the year. Even if I tour half that, we're never gonna have time to see each other. I just—I don't know what we're gonna do, Blake."

"Hey, hey—" he said lifting her chin. "Do you love me?" His eyes searched hers.

"More than anything." She said, honestly.

"Then we'll figure it out, B. I love you."

She nodded and positioned herself closer into his chest, hoping with all her heart that he was right.

The last week seemed to fly by. Blair often found herself wishing that she knew some way to stop time, or to at least make it slow down. Before she had a chance to come to terms with the ending of her incredible adventure, the last show had crept up on her.

She prepped herself for sound check as her mind drifted back to the events of the last nearly three months. Even if she got back to Tidal and they decided to cut her, even if she never got to make a full length record, even if she never got to tour again, she had lived out her dreams the past few months and it was all thanks to Blake.

"Check, check 1-2." She repeated into the microphone for the sound technician as she searched the arena until her eyes fell upon Blake. He was seated in a row about halfway up, busy on his phone, but still showing his support by simply being there.

She finished her sound check and headed off stage, Blake having moved to the stage stairs to greet her following her rehearsal.

"Last one!" He said with excitement as he threw his arm around her, walking back towards her green room.

"Has Alex talked to you guys anymore about the band's schedule for the rest of the year?" She asked, trying desperately to keep her voice even.

"A little, he said for sure we'll be in LA until June, so that's almost three months until we really have to figure things out, at least on the Paper Parachute side of things. Have you heard from him?" Alex Newman, Paper Parachute's manager had taken on managerial duties for Blair as well.

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