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34 weeks

"Sorry we haven't gotten back to you. Things got a little hectic on tour, we haven't had a off day in over a week." Blake says to his phone screen, Cash's face filling it.

"No worries. I'm glad Blair liked what I had done so far at least. I've got everything finished up. If she's not around I can show you so you can tell me if you want any changes made."

"She's gone into the venue to shower. She's been super uncomfortable the past few days. We've been down south and I think the heat is just not helping her any. Plus, we're playing in Virginia tomorrow and that's always an emotional thing for her. Her shitty parents and all." He says as Cash nods in understanding.

"Well, hopefully coming home to this masterpiece I have created will help, hold on, I was downstairs checking on the pool guy." He says, moving with surprising ease to our staircase and ascending to the second floor.

"Thanks for checking in on the house every few days while we're gone by the way."

Cash shrugged. "It's no worries. The exercise is good for me."

"You seem to be walking on your leg better than even a few weeks ago." Blake commented softly not wanting to upset or offend his youngest brother.

"Yeah, they got me set up with this like sleeve thing that goes over my knee and it doesn't hurt as much when I use the prosthetic now so it's a lot easier."

"Damn, only took them three years." Blake scoffed.

Cash pursed his lips. "It is what it is. I'm making do. Okay, so here it is."

He flipped the camera so that Blake could see the now nearly finished nursery. Everything was tan and white and perfect.

"Fuck." Blake said softly, feeling himself get a little choked up at the sight of it. The last time they had begun to assemble a nursery they'd had to take it all back down only a few weeks later which had contributed to their hesitance to do it this time. But this time it was real and in only a few weeks they would be bringing baby Bayler home to the most perfect room Blake could have imagined for her.

"Do you not like it? Do you think Blair won't?" Cash asked, flipping the camera back to face him, his brow creased in worry.

"God, no. She's going to absolutely love it. I'm much more concerned with the fact that you are already her favorite brother in law and when she see's this I am scared you might become her favorite Everett brother."

"I don't know how Jen's gonna feel about all that." Cash grins.

"You and her still doing alright?" Blake asked him, trying to read his brother's expression.

"Yeah, Blake she's...she's amazing. Honestly."

"Good! Invite her over and ask her to put away all that shit that's in the guest room. All the diapers and outfits and stuff."

"You don't think I'm capable or something?" He asks pretending to be affronted.

"No, no. I do. Girls just put shit in weird places bro. Like, when Blair moved in with me she made these specific drawers for things and I don't know. Tell Jenna to set it up, okay? You can use our pool when you're done." Blake offered.

"You say that like I haven't been inviting myself over to use the pool all summer." He laughed and Blake stared at him.

"You've really lost your edge, man. You're not even good at pretending to be mad." Cash chuckled again.

"Whatever. Just have Jenna do the stuff please." He said quickly, his eyes catching sight of Blair returning to the bus. "I gotta go. Love you, bye."

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