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"Why is this taking so long?" Blair whined, throwing her hands in the air as she paced back and forth in the front hall of the courthouse.

Their lawyer had rested their case only an hour ago but she was growing impatient as the judge took his sweet time in his chambers making his decision.

"We're ready for you." The clerk said stepping out into the hall and signaling for Blake and Blair.

The pair moved quickly, entering the small courtroom and moving to stand in there area. Blair did her best to avoid chancing a glance to the other side of the room. She had no interest in seeing her parents, they didn't deserve a moment more of her time nor control over her emotions.

"Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, I am sympathetic to your case. It can be painful when we pour ourselves into our children and they grow up and run away from who we want them to be."

Blair bit her tongue to prevent herself from yelling out her objections to his statement. Her parents had never poured themselves into her. They'd barely tolerated her.

"The law is the law however. Though you provided a home and basic needs until she was eighteen, she was the one who provided the funds to move to California, and she has been self-sufficient ever since. Due to these facts I must find in favor of the defendant. This case is dismissed. Thank you."

With that he banged his gavel and disappeared to his chambers. An incredulous gasp fell from Blair's mouth as she jumped into Blake's arms. He embraced her tightly, his eyes squeezed shut in relief that this ordeal was over for her.

He felt the dampness on his chest as her tears hit the fabric of his button down.

"Happy tears?" He asked, wanting to make sure his assumption was correct. She nodded against his chest and he bent his neck to kiss the top of her head.

"Thank you." She said, his questioning eyes searching her. "For being here, always."

He swallowed the lump in his throat. She'd changed so much about him in so little time. They'd met only nine months ago but he barely recognized the person he had been then. That man wasn't the kind who would be in committed relationship. He definitely wasn't the kind to hold a girls hand through a court case with her parents, or to have been walking around with a diamond ring in his pocket for a week now.

He wanted to do it soon. He was waiting for the perfect moment. He wasn't sure when that would be but with the case settled and behind them he felt the time may be drawing nearer. He had to do it soon if he wanted to do it before he left for tour.

They'd figured how to make it work for them. Blair was working on music videos and they'd lined her locations up to work with his tour stops. They'd make it work. They're album was done and set to be released the next week. Her full length would debut in two months and then she'd join them again on their fall tour. As her popularity grew they could become co-headliners. They'd figure it out but he refused to let their jobs determine the course of their relationship. She was his forever and without her the rest of it didn't mean anything anyways.

He held the door for her as she stepped into his passenger seat and then closed her in before running around to slide in behind the wheel, his thoughts still swirling as he drove them home.

"How are you gonna do it?" Cash pressed. He'd been drilling Blake for information on his proposal plan.

"I don't know, I had an idea." He said trailing off and looking around Cash's room at his mom and Scotty.

"Well, spit it out then, we're waiting with baited breath." His mom laughed.

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