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"So Blake," Rian started in on the black haired man as soon as he entered the practice space they were using to prepare for their tour.

"Oh hell." He mumbled beneath his breath as he waved hello to everyone.

"How was your Christmas?" Dex smirked, propping his chin on his hand. Blake huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Lay off." He groaned.

"We've been to your mom's house Blake. We know Blair's picture was from right down the beach." Kace adds.

"She didn't have anyone to spend Christmas with. I didn't want her to be alone. That's all, end of story." He said moving past them to grab a microphone stand and start setting up for their rehearsal.

"So you're telling me," Dex started. "That you took her home, introduced her to your mom and your brothers, took her to the beach and not once did you make a move or confess your love? Yeah, okay, and I was born yesterday." The drummer scoffed.

"It wasn't like that, and I'm not in love with her."

"He's blushing! He's lying!" Rian yelled from across the room.

"I kissed her, okay? One time. Damn."

"Holy shit." Kace said. "He actually might have a heart somewhere in there."

"Oh, fuck off. And don't make a big deal about it okay? She's been super awkward around me ever since it happened so I'm already stressed about it. I don't need you idiots making it worse."

"Shit, you must be a terrible kisser." Kace replied and Blake sent a towel that was near by flying in his direction.

Blair stepped into the building that housed the rehearsal studios everyone was using and let out a sigh of relief when Blake was nowhere to be seen. She couldn't figure out why she was feeling so conflicted about their kiss. She'd wanted it to happen. Hell, drunk Blair had wanted a lot more than a kiss to happen, but once it did, it felt like everything between them had changed in one moment.

They'd spent the last month and a half building this great friendship and toeing that line, now she was scared that the balance they had found had been completely thrown off.

Could they start something this close to tour and have any hope of it lasting? What would she do if it didn't work out? Would she really be willing to risk her barely begun career for a boy?

He wasn't just any boy though. The Blake she had gotten to know was incredible. He was kind, considerate, adventurous, and her list could go on and on. She wanted to kiss him again, or did she?

She was confused, so confused. She hadn't expected this, she'd wanted the kiss so badly but once it had happened it had opened her head to so many questions. She was being split in two, her mind saying one thing while her heart said another. She didn't know what to do about it so she had, so far, taken the cowardly way out by hiding.

She hurried off to her room and began setting up, hoping a day filled with rehearsal and tour prep would help to get her mind off of Blake. She had drafted a set list and was interested to see what comments the tour manager had for her.

"Hi, Blair!" Easton, the tour manager, called to her as he came through the doorway.

"Hey Easton!" She called back.

"What have you got for me?"

"Okay, so here me out. I wanna start the show with Wild Things because it has the speaking intro that I want to prerecord and play as I come on."

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