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30 weeks

Blair's hands shook slightly as she stood side stage waiting for her turn to warm up and sound check.

The real opener, some girl their label had sent out with them was onstage currently and Blair was surprised by how much the girl, naive and wide eyed on her first tour, reminded her of herself.

"You ready?" Blake asked, slipping up behind her, his arms wrapping around her extended stomach, his large hands splayed over her bump and he kissed his cheek and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I guess. It's so weird to be doing my set like this. It's feels strange, unnatural." She said honestly as they both watch the girl, Marley, Blair thought her name was, parade around the stage doing a bit too much instead of focusing on her vocals, a rookie mistake.

"I know babe, but just think it's just one tour and at least you can perform this way." His eyebrows slid together in concern, hoping she wasn't already unhappy with the situation he'd worked so hard to make happen for her.

"I know, I know." She soothed, not wanting to sound bratty. "I'm so grateful to still get to be here but it's just frustrating to feel like I have to hold back, you know? To feel like I can't give it my all."

Blake gave a small nod, his lips twisting as he considered her words.

"I'm sorry there isn't more I can do." He said finally, not able to think of anything more he could do.

"Don't be sorry love. Besides, all of this is just a means to an end. A slight annoyance to make sure Baby B stays nice and safe for a few more weeks." She cooed to him. She hadn't meant to hurt his feelings. Her mood swings were just always turning mole hills into mountains and she got upset over even the smallest of things these days. She couldn't help it.

"Ten more weeks give or take." He smiled at her, the corner of his eyes crinkling and the green of his eyes shining like emeralds as his excitement shone through.

"Hopefully at least eight." She gave a short chuckle. "I don't want to be the cause for the tour ending early."

"Everyone knows it's a possibility and the shows are still sold out. They all know it'll be rescheduled if it happens, it is was it is." He said, brushing away her concerns.

"You know I hate disappointing people." She said flatly and he nodded against her shoulder.

"Yeah but, you won't be disappointing them, just asking them to give us a bit of time, that's all. We'll repay their patience with tons of super cute baby pictures of baby Bailey." He smirked, already lifting his head as she spun around to face him.

"For the last time, we are not naming her Bailey!" She said with a roll of her eyes. He'd pitched the name to her many times in the last few weeks but something about it just didn't sit right with her. She didn't like the way it rolled off her tongue

"Well, we aren't naming her Belle either." He said, his arms playfully crossing across his chest. "She's not a basic ass Disney princess."

"Belle is a great princess!" Blair defended but Blake just smirked and rolled his eyes as she huffed.

"You know at some point in the next few weeks we are going to have to agree on a name for her." He said truthfully and she nodded.

"Yep. But I'm not caving in. I know you, Blake." She smiled confidently, a devilish grin on her face. "And I know that nine times out of ten I get my way."

"Yeah, we'll see about that." He called after her as the opener departed the stage and Blair ascended the steps and took her place on a stool in the middle of the raised platform.

"Alright, Blair. Go ahead and start!" Her sound guy told her and she followed his instructions running through a series of checks and snippets of her show until everything was set and ready for tonight.

She passed Blake as he headed on stage as she was heading off. He grabbed her waist and pulled her to him, her bump causing the small distance between them.

"Sounded amazing as always. Go sit down somewhere and rest until the show." He said, slowing for a moment to kiss her before heading on stage for his own warmups.

There was something so alluring about the way he had become so protective of her since they had learned of the pregnancy. Even if he could be a tad overbearing occasionally she felt incredibly fortunate to have someone who loved her and their child so much that they were his main priority, even when they were working.

She did as he had asked, getting a member of the crew to bring her a water and a chair to the side of the stage so she could watch him and the other boys soundcheck.

They were incredible as always. The four of them having been at this for over eight years now so they moved together with such synchronization that always stunned and amazed Blair when she got the opportunity to watch them.

He came off stage half an hour later and jumped on to the top of the case that was placed beside her.

"How'd we sound?" He asked her, taking sips of his water as he looked to her genuinely for advice. She loved this about him. Even though he'd been in the industry a while longer he always treated her as his music business equal.

"Like the best fucking band I've ever heard." She replied quickly and he chuckled an appreciative laugh.

"For real though, babe?" He asked her, narrowing his eyes and awaiting her criticism.

"I honestly thought it sounded great. It's a cohesive show and everything is meshing well. You guys are in synch and you're going to have a great show and tour." She shrugged, looking over to him and hoping he'd be satisfied with her response, she genuinely had very little to critique for him.

"Any thoughts for me?" She asked him, her eyebrows closing together in curiosity.

"Yeah right." He scoffed with a laugh. "You're a natural, your performances always blow me away." He smiled at her, his lower lip being pulled back by his top teeth.

"May I remind your of the first show I ever did with you?" She laughed and he just shook his head at you.

"You were just nervous. Not to mention flustered by the incredibly attractive lead singer of the band you were touring with." He said joining his hands and extending them in front of his body to crack his knuckles as he chuckled and Blair hit him playfully.

"Don't get feisty. You know it's true!" His booming laugh sounded through the side stage area and she couldn't help but join in.

She loved these moments between them. It was one of her favorite parts about touring with him. He was her best friend and her nerves faded as they laughed, the time before their first performance of the tour slowly ticking away.

An: Tour time!

How will it go?

Ten weeks until Baby B gets here! I eliminated 2 B names for you. Anyone have a new guess?

I posted a new Calum Hood fic on my page that will be starting up regular updates next week! Check it out!


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