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"You ready to get home?" Blake asked quietly, his eyes trained on Blair.

"Yeah," she offered with a sleepy sigh. "I'm glad they got Cash well enough to be on the flight tomorrow."

"Me too. Plus it gives us a little time to get home and rest before he gets to Oceanside." Blake agreed.

"Have they said how long he'll be there?" The blonde questioned.

"Not really, but he's got at least one more surgery on his leg and then he'll have plastic surgery on his face. The fucker's excited about that one, he said he asked the doctor to hook him up with a nose job while he was at it." Blake chortled.

"I don't know how he's staying so positive." Blair commented.

"I told him the same thing. he said he just was so sure he was going to die that this in turn doesn't seem so bad." Their eyes connected as they shared the same look of sadness, thankful that the ending to this story had not been as bleak as it could have.

"I wish I could look at things like that," Blair mused.

"I feel like you have a pretty positive outlook on things." Blake retorted as they took seats near the boarding gate and prepared to wait for the first class call. "I on the other hand..."

"I think you are a lot less of a negative Nancy now than you were when I met you." She shrugged.

"Yeah, well, I couldn't have gotten much worse."

"You're so hard on yourself." She said, snuggling into his chest as he threw his arm around her.

"I wanna be hard on top of you." He said under his breath. Blair playfully hit his chest and peered around to see if any of the strangers around them had overheard their conversation but to her relief they all seemed to be engrossed in their own activities and none the wiser to his crude comment.

She shook her head grateful they'd veered away from the seemingly serious direction their conversation had been headed. They're lives the past few weeks had been full of anger and sadness, they needed to bring back some of their joy.

"Maybe if you're lucky." She replied after a moment.

Blake's ears perked up and he turned his head slightly so that she was better in his view.

"I am feeling pretty lucky," He smiled.

Their boarding call came and they grabbed their belongings, Andrea and Scotty had decided to get a flight the next day in an effort to stay with Cash until he was boarded onto the medical plane that would carry him home to America. So, Blake and Blair were on their own for this flight. They'd lucked out with their fellow passengers, the plane was full of almost all older ladies and gentleman who seemed to speak little English and have no knowledge or care for who either of them were.

"We could join the mile high club," Blake whispered as they took their seats in first class.

"A tiny, gross bathroom coupled with the possibility of turbulence? No thanks." Blair scoffed.

"Live a little. It would be fun!"

"Hard pass." She deadpanned as the brunette's face fell into a frown. "Aw, come on Blake, don't pout. I promise, as soon as we get home I'll make sure you're taken care of."

Her answer seemed to satisfy him and they settled into their seats as the plane prepared for takeoff.

Their plane was half way across the Atlantic when it happened, Blair's phone dinged, her notifications still on thanks to the airplane wifi she had purchased. An alert from her pharmacy, informing her that her birth control was ready for pickup.

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