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I was getting ready to leave work until I seen Jackson walk into my office.

" hey you going to the Christmas party? I didn't see your name on the list" I completely forgot that our job was having a party.

" oh umm probably not" I put the rest of my stuff in my bag.

" well that kinda sucks because I was hoping you would go with me?" Koi was right about Jackson but I didn't know how to cut him off.

" with you as in your date?" Hopefully he meant carpooling.

" yea as my date" damn damn damn.

" well Jackson I kinda y'all to someone and I don't think I would be comfortable going with you knowing that" I tried to say no the best way I can

" oh no its fine my bad. I just thought... well never-mind." He looked embarrassed.

" I'm really sorry jackson." I was praying that was the end of the conversation.

" if you don't mind me asking,who is it?" I minded but it would look weird if I didn't tell him.

" koi" he nodded his head then he left. I felt bad.

I went home , took a shower and just put my robe on.

I ate some food and watched some hair videos on YouTube.
It was 10:54 and I haven't heard from koi at all today.

Me : hey bae wyd?

About an hour went by and he never responded so I decided to call him. It rang twice then it went straight to voicemail. This dude really had me fucked up not calling or texting me back. So I decided to FaceTime him. It rang once and he answered.

"Yea?" He had the camera pointed to the ceiling but I could tell he was in a car.

" boy you wasn't gonna text me back or anything huh?" I heard his car speed up but he didn't respond.

" umm hello koi ?" I didn't want to seem crazy but he was really annoying me.

"Yea! I'm ... im busy right now Harmoney." I hung up because he didn't have to come at me like that.

I was now bored as hell. I'm not going to the Christmas party and I damn sure am not calling kim.

I decided to just go to sleep.

I was sleeping good as hell until I heard my doorbell going off. I slipped in my robe and went to the door. I opened it and once agin there was koi. He had his hood on. It was hard to seem him since I didn't turn on a light.

" boy do you know what time it is?" I whispered as loud as I could.

" babygirl I'm sorry but i need you to do something for me" he looked serious.

" what koi?" I said with an attitude. All day he didn't want to talk now he need something.
He took my hand and we walked to his car. He opened the backseat door and there was Ashley. She was all beat up and she looked sick too.

" koi what the fuck? Take her to a hospital!" I was scared.
" no! There gonna want to know what happened to her and that would be bad for everyone. I can't bring her home because her dad is going to be pissed and I'm not leaving her at my house by herself so can she please just stay here until I come back. Harmoney please" ive never seen him beg for anything so I knew I was his last hope. I nodded my head and he picked her up. I led them to the guest room and he laid her on the bed.

" thank you umm I'll be back I gotta go do something real quick." I followed him out the room and grabbed his arm.

" koi what the fuck is going on" I said it low enough not to let Ashley hear. He clinched his jaw and looked at the ceiling.

" Harmoney I promise I'm going to tell you but right now I have to go Handel something" I nodded my head and let him go. I heard his car speed off and new he was going to do something I didn't want to know about.

I went to my closet and grabbed some house clothes I never wore for Ashley. She looked like she was my size in tops but her ass was too small to fit into my pants. I grabbed a oversized shirt that had Tupac on it. I went back to the guest room and got her all cleaned up. She looked like koi in a way, like if he was a girl. When I was done she was knocked out. I would of gave her some Advil but I'm not waking her ass up until koi get back.

I stayed in my living room and waited for koi. I ended up falling asleep but was woken up by koi trying to lay up under me. I didn't have the energy to argue with him so I just let him get comfortable and I went back to sleep. Even tho I know he's doing something he's not supposed to be doing I still felt protected next to him.

A couple hours later I woke up with koi laying between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist. I had to use the bathroom so I slid my way out of his grip.

I used the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I came out I decided to check on Ashley.

I opened the guest room door and as I walked to the bed she woke up.

" umm where the fuck am I?" She said as confused as she can.

" my house. Koi brought you here instead of a hospital. You can keep the shirt if you want.... are you hungry?" I didn't know what to do. I never had someone in my house like that.

" nahh you can keep your shirt but I would like some food and a nice ass shower." For a girl that got her ass beat she was very demanding.

" ok well I'm about to make breakfast and there's a bathroom right there with clean rags and towels in the cabinet. I'll put another outfit on the bed for when you get out." She nodded her head and got out the bed. I got her the plain outfit and then started cooking.

A few minutes later Ashley came in the kitchen and sat next to the counter.

" umm do you know where my phone is" she asked like I took it or something.

" nope you didn't have one when I seen you" I slid her an empty plate so she can dish out her own food.

I heard koi moving  on the couch, then he walked over to me and just hugged me from behind.

" boy where my phone at?" Ashley said while eating some eggs.

He gave her a look then went back in the living room and put on his jacket.

" imma be back with your phone, don't break shit, don't spill shit, you know what just sit there" I could tell he was getting tired of her and whatever they did yesterday.

" yes sir" she put her hand to her head and laughed. He left and I started cleaning the dishes.

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