Come back

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There was a restaurant on the beach and I had already bought a table because I didn't know how long Harmoney was gonna take to get ready.

" right this way" the host said and we followed him to a table looking right at the water.

" baby this is really nice" she smiled.

" I just wanted to make you feel relaxed and special at the same time. I know the twins and Ashley are kinda stressing you out so I just wanted to get you away. Plus I wanted to show you that I can stay away from my job for a little bit" she laughed a little.

" well thank you. I'm not gonna lie tho, I really really wanna call your dad about my babies" I'm surprised he didn't call him already.

I took my phone out and FaceTimed him.

" Yellow Yellow Yellow" he answered loud as hell. People started to look at us in the restaurant. Harmoney laughed.

" we just checking in on our kids, making sure they still alive" I got straight to the point.

" good thing you called cuz koi done fell in the toilet, kamiah lost a finger and Bryson just missing all together." Harmoney almost broke her neck when he said that.

" I'm just playing, they nanny's treating them better than me. They actually sleeping now" he flipped the camera and showed them in there own mini beds.
I hung up after that because this trip was going to be baby free.

We finished eating then headed to the car.

" where we going?" She asked putting on her seatbelt.

" somewhere I think you'll like" I drove about 30 minutes then pulled up to a house with mad people outside. I parked my car on the side and we got out.

" king! I knew ain't nobody over here bought no car like that" prince my little cousin said.

" who's this? Baby I'm prince, and you are fine" he said to Harmoney.

" ok she is way older than you and off limits" I laughed. Prince was 16 but as big as me.

I grabbed Harmoneys hand and walked inside to the living room.

" well I'll be dammed.. look at what the cat done dragged in" one of my favorite people said.

" hey grandma, this is my wife Harmoney" she started looking mad as hell.

" you got married and didn't invite me to the wedding!" She hit my arm.

" we didn't have it yet, we just had some twins so we waiting a little" her eyes got big.

" this little thing had twins?! Where the babies at? Lemme see a picture or something" Harmoney pulled out her phone and showed her a video of them.

" oh baby with no disrespect to you beautiful but damn they look just like they daddy" we laughed.


We talked for a while and I heard hella stories. I started to wander around the house looking at pictures on the walls. There was a picture for every moment. I seen a lot of pictures Of what looked liked his mom.

" do you got a sister or somethin? Younger, older ? I was told I'm hella mature for my age if you know what I mean" prince said walking up to me.

" nope I don't have neither one" I laughed.

" oooo you got on a ring! That nigga married you. Smart man, ain't no way imma let a girl like you not be attached to me forever." He looked me up and down.

" ain't you like 18? Go out and find a girlfriend somewhere around here" I laughed.

" 16 and the Miami girls that go to my school only want money.hoes don't even look that good but the teachers..... man my science teacher mis Patterson can keep me after school anytime."

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