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Five months later

" baby I can't they too small" I told Harmoney as I tried to put socks on koi. They were too mail and I was too scared that I might break them.

" boy stop being pussy" she laughed.
Harmoney had  the twins a few days ago and I was scared of everything. Scared for her scared for them , everything. I literally baby proofed every part of my house. I had kamiah at my dads for a few days so me and Harmoney could get the twins handled first. Harmoney really been doing all this parenting stuff easy though. She change diapers good, bath them good, feed them good.

The twins pretty good for babies too. They don't really cry like that, unless I'm doing something wrong. They sleep most of the night too.

" ok boy make me look good in front of yo mom and I'll get you whatever you want." I told koi as I tried one more time to put his socks on. The went on and I  was happy as hell.

" see I know naming you after me would be a good thing" I said as I picked him up. Harmoney looked at me.
" they look just like you anyway, not one of them look like me." She took Bryson and we went to our room.

" I know right they about to get all the hoes. Ain't that right papa" I said while moving koi's hand.

" what you want me to get you to eat from my dads house? Please don't say stew chicken, I'm tired of that shit." Since Harmoney had to take things easy, instead of her cooking I went over to my dads house every day to make his chef cook her some food. Lately all she wants is stew chicken but a nigga tired of seeing that shit.

" umm tacos or lasagna, you pick" we put the boys on the baby pillow and they laid there quietly.

" ooo tacos, since it's Tuesday. How you feeling? Lemme see what it looks like now" she stood up and lifted up her shirt. Her stomach wasn't as big as before but you could tell it was still swollen. I felt bad for her because I knew she was in pain.

" when your wrap thing getting here?" She ordered something to help her stomach.

" it's outside, I just didn't feel like getting it" I looked at her crazy.

" girl, I could of got it for you" I laughed.

" I called the gym you be going to to see about a trainer, the dude on the phone said that in about three weeks I should be good enough to do light workouts. So I set up something so he can come here." She said as she rubbed her finger across brysons head.

" dude, he? Baby they don't have a girl trainer?" She looked at me.

" what I know you just had twins but you still fine as hell and will still get a nigga shot. You told him I shoot, I think you should let him know you putting him in danger. He coming here right? Good, me and mines will be watching every stretch, deep breath, weight lifted, baby we watching everything. He got one time to look at that ass and me and the twins gonna jump him." The hell she need a nigga to help her work out for. I'm in too much shape, shit she could bend over in front of me.

"Boy I'm not scared of shit coming out to mouth. I'm tryna look way better then before I had my babies, plus you already paid for it" I shook my head. Harmoney had a copy of my black card and I let her get whatever she wanted with it. I didn't mind, I actually didn't really want her working and having all that stress on her plus the kids. Later on thought if she wants a job and shit she can get one but right now we both need to be home.

" imma go get your food, you ok?" I said as I put my sweats on. She nodded her head. I kissed all three of them goodbye then left. I called my dads house and had the chef get started on the food. Before I got to my dads house I made a quick stop at the trap.

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