Mine is mine

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" hell nahh prince I am not cleaning that" I said while looking at koi's shitty ass.

" nigga it's yo kid" he had a good point but we made a deal. I would be in charge of Bryson and kamiah while he watched koi. Plus I don't wanna clean that shit.

" but we had a deal. I'll give you $50 to clean him up. next time put two dippers on his ass" I walked away so he had no choice to do it.

Minutes later he came with koi back to the living room. We fucked the living room up. It was blankets, diapers,bottles and baby shit all over the place. I had took prince tv out his room and put it on the floor so they can look at it and not cry.

" why don't you get some hoes to help us. It's three babies against two niggas with no baby experience. We need some hoes in here" he was right once agin.

" no. No hoes, no help. I need to show Harmoney I can do this." I said while taking a hand full of some baby puffs.

" well I need some help. Koi keep shitting on me every time I almost win in a game. Then he spit up on my favorite controller. My right arm is gonna be strong than my left because I keep holding his fat ass and whenever a hoe call me they think it's my kid." All that shit was funny to me.

" yo right arm was gonna be stronger anyway. You ain't fuck not one girl since you been here and the lotion in the guest bathroom been running low quick" I mocked him then the doorbell rang.

" finally, yo ass was gonna have me eaten all the baby puffs we had" prince go up and got the door which was the pizza we've been waiting on for an hour. I ordered three boxes of pizza all extra cheese and all with stuffed crust.

We each took a box and left a box in the counter for later. Prince turned the game off and put some TV on. I wasn't really focused on the show. The kids were getting tired and I was really trying to get them to sleep.

Koi was the first one to go then kamiah. Now Bryson looked wide awake. I rocked him until my arms got numb. Then I said fuck it. I took all three kids to my room and in there own little baby beds. Since Bryson was still up I laid him in my bed and put him on my chest then patted his back.


I heard the front door unlock and woke up out my sleep. Bryson was still on my chest fast asleep. I moved him onto the middle of the bed then walked to hall way. It was pitched black and I really hoped that I would step on a puff bottle. I turned the corner to go downstairs and ran into a person.

" aww shit" they said as they hit the ground.

" Harmoney?" I asked as I rubbed my chin.

" yep it's me . I came to pick up the kids" she walked to their rooms only to see they weren't there.

" it's three in the morning money" I rubbed my forehead.

" and?" She said walking to my room.

" just leave them. If you wake them up there gonna be up all night." I sat on the bed and looked at Bryson.

" but this was on the way to my place. I'll have to come back tomorrow and I don't want to." That pissed me off.

" this yo fucking house. This they fucking house. I'll drop them off in the morning but I'm not waking my kids up" I whispered so they wouldn't wake up. I looked at her good for a minute and was confused.

" where you been money?" I asked looking at the floor.

" out" I didn't like that answer. She smelled like a nigga and she looked a little high.

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