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I woke up to Harmoney out the bed like usual. This morning was different, I smelled breakfast. Usually I would wake up too late to be smelling food still but since I was up I might as well go eat. I got up did my hygiene and went downstairs.

I seen Harmoney picking up kamiah out the play pin.
" baby you don't need to be doing no lifting like that" I quickly got kamiah and she smiled.

" you up early, what you doing today?" She gave me a kiss then went to check on the eggs on the stove.

" the furniture people coming over today so imma be here with you because I need to make sure they do they job and leave. Then I got a drop to do after they leave." I pretended to toss kamiah in the air. She laughed.

" your dad called this morning saying something about some Christmas Eve dinner. I don't really remember everything but he definitely said don't be late" she fished out the food into two plates. I picked mine up and we sat in the living room.

" what color you tryna wear there, not on no soft shit but I kinda like it when we wear the same color as a family." She nodded her head while chewing on the food in her mouth.

" well it's a Christmas dinner so I was thinking about red" I loved her in the colors red and black so that was fine with me.

The doorbell ran right when I was gonna say something.
I got up and opened the door. It was two men and a dyke in the store uniform.

" morning sir were here to install some stuff for you today, can you do me a favor and open the garage, it would just make the moving process easier" the older man said.

" umm yea give me a second I gotta move my car out so y'all can have enough room" I left the door open and they stood in the door way. I put some shorts on got my keys and went downstairs. I opened the garage and moved my car to the side of the house.

" perfect now all you gotta do is tell us which room to take it to and which spot to put it in" the older man said while opening the back of the truck.
I walked inside the house and seen the younger man and the dyke glancing at Harmoney.

" that's my wife Harmoney, she'll let y'all know where everything should go" I patted the dude on his back so he could feel the tension I was giving off.

" baby the furniture people are ready for you to tell them where to put shit" I walked into the living room and picked up kamiah.

Harmoney got up and I was glad she had on some shorts instead of just one of my shirts.
I let her go up the steps first then I followed along with the moving niggas.

As she talked and pointed at spots for things to go I just stood back and watched. I watched the older dude focus only on what she was saying, i watched the younger guy look at Harmoney but it wasn't like he wanted to fuck her it was more like how a student looks at a teacher. Lastly I watched the dyke looking all over Harmoneys body. Don't get me wrong Harmoney was pregnant as fuck but as her stomach grew so did that ass, her stomach wasn't even bad, it fit her and you can tell that when she has the boys she's gonna look good as hell. That still didn't give any one a reason to be looking at what was mine.

" baby did I forget anything" she broke my train of thought.

" umm nahh I don't think so, if you did I'll Handel it" she smiled.

" ok well get started, is there anything you don't want, some people don't want the furniture directly against the wall" he looked at Harmoney.

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