5: the art project

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I sat in the empty classroom in my usual desk near the middle of the room and flicked through my art portfolio from throughout the year. I wasn't paying that much attention but it passed the time and I enjoyed the solitude. Away from judgemental teenagers. Like Zedd. I shivered at the thought of what rumours he would spread or insults he would say to my face, perhaps even with his fists, if he found out I was gay. I only had one more year of high school left and I was planning on staying closeted for that time.

My parents knew I was gay as I told them about Lucas before I had realised that apparently it wasn't 'normal' to have a crush on a boy. They accepted it but kind of pretended it wasn't true and definitely didn't encourage me getting up to any sexual activity. Not that they had much to worry about since I never brought either girls or boys home, except Steph. Maybe they would want me to date her too. But there was no way that was happening. I knew I should tell her I was gay sometime soon. After all we had been friends for a while and she deserved to know. Especially if she was getting attached. I didn't want to have to hurt her feelings.

I was jerked from my musings as the door to the art class banged open to let through a stream of students and our teacher Miss O'Neal. I spotted Axel and Ethan in the throng and quickly ducked my head in case Axel glared at me again.

"Afternoon everyone!" Miss O'Neal trilled.

The class responded with slightly less enthusiasm but still with more energy than for other classes as everyone liked sweet Miss O'Neal.

"So," she clapped her hands excitedly, "I have a new project for you all! A pair project!"

I groaned interiorly and darted a desperate glance at Lee, a quiet Japanese student who was in the chess club too. We exchanged a look of mutual understanding that we would pair up to avoid the embarrassment of being shunned by the others.

"No need to exchange looks or nudges everyone," smirked Miss O'Neal, "I'm deciding who is paired with who."

I frowned. Well that was stupid. Did she not realise how divided our student cohort was? Her project was going to be a bloodbath. She took out a piece of paper where she had evidently written down the list of names.

"Lucy and Bart, Hillary and Gavin, Jax and Rolf, Amy and Sarah," she began reading out the pairs.

Lee was paired with Ethan and I was glad for him as although he was one of Axel's jock friends he was one of the quieter and nicer ones of the group.

"Elias and Axel," Miss O'Neal continued.

I twitched when I heard my name, and full on jerked when I heard who I was paired with. Oh no. And it seemed I wasn't the only one upset with that pairing. A couple of rows behind me I had a swear. And it was Axel's voice.

I gritted my teeth and tried to pretend that I hadn't heard and that it hadn't affected me. I felt bad for running away and never replying when he had tried to help me up after being bowled over by Mitch's ball but I didn't feel like I deserved this sudden treatment. And despite being used to being bullied, it hurt more when it came from Axel.


I can't believe this. It's as if now that I have taken the decision to avoid Elias as much as possible the gods are forcing us together even more than before. I was incredibly pissed. Miss O'Neal just had to partner us together.

"Okay everyone, now that you have your partner, listen up," she spoke up once again, "In a minute you will all switch seats so that you are next to your partner but right now I'm going to explain what your new project entails. You have one week to get to know your partner well, most of you should be with people you don't normally talk to so that this task is interesting. Then, you will spend the next two weeks in class creating an artwork that represents your partner."

My head was reeling and the class full of excited chatter at this original project idea.

"And it will be an assessed project so don't fool around," Miss O'Neal's voice rose over the chatter, "Now switch desks."

I wasn't sure how I was feeling as I packed up my belongings to move to the empty chair next to Elias. I am annoyed, as this is exactly what I shouldn't be doing if I want to stop myself from having forbidden more-than-friendly feelings for him, but strangely I was also happy.

I plopped my backpack next to my new desk and sank down on the chair next to Elias.

"Hey," I said softly, glancing awkwardly at him from the corner of my eye.

"Oh! Hi." Elias replied, looking surprised that I had addressed him.

I guess my glares had hurt him more than I had meant to. I was just trying to keep him away from me. I guess that backfired. He was looking down at his desk, biting his lip adorably and I just wanted to reach out and run my thumb across his lips- I shook myself. This was exactly why I had to stay away from him.

"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me." Elias muttered, pushing his glasses up his nose.

I avoided his gaze as his words echoed way to close to what I had just been thinking. And also to berate my mind (and body) for finding his action adorable. Yet again.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck, "I've just been dealing with some shit and I took it out on you." I only half lied.

"Oh okay," replied Elias, looking much happier, "Are you good now?"

I turned my head fully to look at him and got caught in his beautiful mysterious grey eyes. So bright that despite his glasses they shone like silver. He maintained my gaze and I gulped.

"Yeah I'm all good now," I replied, my voice embarrassingly hoarse and uneven.

I tore my eyes away from his before I could get any more flustered and I cleared my throat.

"So, what's your number?"

"My number?" He replied back, confused.

"Yeah, so I can text you." I smirked.

"Text me?" Elias' voice came out high pitched.

He was looking at me with wide eyes and seemed slightly traumatised by the idea of me contacting him. On impulse, I darted my head forwards with a boo. Our noses came close to touching but he jumped back in shock so much that I had to grab a handful of his shirt to keep him from falling off his chair.

"Jeez, calm down mate," I chuckled, "I don't bite. Unless you want me to." I winked.

Elias flushed and re-adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, avoiding my gaze.

"Look," I leaned back and released my grip on him, "I just wanted your number so that we can organise to catch up sometime to hang out and get to know each other better. For the project."

"Oh. Okay." Elias nodded and fished his phone out of his pocket.

We exchanged numbers in silence, although it wasn't uncomfortable.

"Are you free this afternoon?" I asked Elias as I handed back his phone.

"Um yeah?" He replied hesitantly.

"Well I don't have soccer training tonight so if you want you can come over to my place to hang out." I smiled at him.

"O-okay." Elias agreed, shooting me a shy smile.

I smiled back at him and tried to quell the feeling of excitement that my stupid heart was getting over the idea of spending more time with Elias and getting to know him. I already could barely control my flirting with him. I was in deep shit.

A/N: again we have a bit of Eli's POV and then Axel's. How did you guys like this chapter?
The new characters named aren't really important to the overall story so I won't be putting up character pics so just use your imagination.
What do you think of Miss O'Neal's project idea? What a coincidence that Axel and Elias are paired together 😉
Anyways, I wonder what will happen when Eli goes home with Axel.... 🤔👀
And what if Steph does have a crush on Eli?! 😱
Remember to vote and comment 💞

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