19: I like boys

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A/N: ^ the song Axel plays on the speakers. Gay guys and straight girls will greatly enjoy the music video 😉


It was the day after Axel's weird visit to the chess club. I was sincerely impressed by his chess skills. I didn't even know he could play chess. And he had given me a better game than any of the other kids in the club. Then there was his deal. He didn't realise that if he ever had the balls of coming out I would give him another chance. How could I not when I loved him. I already couldn't stop thinking about him and regretting him and trying to figure out what went wrong. But I doubted he would have the courage to do it. It would completely ruin the reputation he had spent all of high school building.

I was seated with Steph at our normal bench during lunchtime, half-heartedly eating my pasta salad, when it happened. The speakers in the cafeteria area were normally used for teacher announcements or fire/lockdown drills. So when they crackled with static everyone looked up in surprise. And then their faces froze in shock and disbelief as music began blasting out. And not just any music. Todrick Hall's song I Like Boys. A mix between rap and pop music. One of the gayest songs out there sung by an incredibly confidently gay singer. For goodness's sake, the guy was singing about how he liked boys and the pecs, their arms when they flex, and their abs when they're six of them.

What the actual hell is going on?! I was shocked. Frozen in my seat, fork stuck halfway up to my mouth, like the majority of the people in the cafeteria. I glanced over at Axel's table, wondering what Zedd's reaction would be, and also to take a sneaky peak at Axel. Zedd's face was frozen with a mixture of fear and panic, which I found a bit weird. Surely he wasn't actually scared of gays, was he? I mean, I knew he was a homophobe, but his expression seemed to be pushing the limits in regards to actual fear. My eyes flicked to Axel, seated next to Mitch. As I watched, he slowly stood up and climbed onto the table, his head bent and fists clenched by his sides.

Oh no. Oh no no no. He couldn't be serious. He was actually doing it. He was actually going through with his deal. And seriously coming out to the whole school. He was humiliating himself. For me. I groaned and covered my face with my hands. I felt mortified and I wasn't even the one on a table. I looked back up and everyone had their gaze on Axel, confused and surprised.

The song dwindled out and silence fell like an oppressive blanket across the cafeteria. Everyone held their breath. Waiting for something to happen. For Axel to do something. For someone to speak. Finally, after what felt like ages to me, Axel lifted his head. His eyes met mine. They were wide with fear and determination. He gave me a small smile before clearing his throat.

"Yes," his voice was steel, "As you've just heard. I like boys."

Gasps echoed across the cafeteria

"Yes, I am gay," he spoke over the rising mutters, "And I don't give a fuck about what others think," at this he looked down at where Zedd was watching him, his mouth frozen open in stupor.

"Everyone should be respected equally for who they love," he finished, before jumping off the table.

The outraged whispers ceased as he walked across the shocked cafeteria to the exit. Confused, judgemental and disbelieving stares followed his handsome body as he walked right out, the cafeteria door banging shut in his back, echoing loudly in the silence.

My mind was having trouble processing what had just happened. I was frozen. Like a glacier. I couldn't move. Even if I had wanted to.

A/N: sorry this is kinda short but the next couple of chapters will be similar in length as they are each advance a critical part of the plot and deserve their own chapter, however small.
Soooo what do you guys think of Axel's actions? What do you think Zedd, Mitch and Ethan will say? What is Elias going to do now?
Did you all enjoy the music video? 😅👌🏻🥵💪🏻
babyrs07 I am forever in your debt for showing me that masterpiece 😉
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