10: a party that ended with a kiss

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"Hey Axel are you coming to Zedd's party?" Mitch asked me.

I looked up from the pasta salad I was eating to see Zedd and Mitch looking at me expectantly. I recalled Zedd saying something about a party at his place Friday night. That was tonight. I didn't really want to go but it would seem weird if I didn't.

"Yeah of course," I replied.

"Good," Zedd leaned over the table to talk to me, "Invite your nerd friend."

"Who?" I asked although I had a sinking feeling that I knew already who they were talking about.

"Elias King. Ethan told me he was your partner for your art project. So bring him along. We can teach him what a real party looks like." Zedd explained.

I sighed. My guess had unfortunately been right.

"He probably won't want to come," I tried to make up an excuse not to ask him.

"Still, ask him. I feel like he would come for you," Mitch pressured me and winked.

I ignored him. I had been a week since the 'incident' and Elias and I had been relatively normal. We hung out sometimes after school to get to know each other better, but everything stayed completely platonic and friendly. I guess I shouldn't be depressed about that but I am pretty selfish. And I had to constantly hold myself back from flirting when I talked to Elias. I wanted to make him blush and stutter and awkwardly straighten his glasses while his cheeks went bright pink.

"Fine. I'll ask him. But don't hold your breath." I finally grumbled.


By the time I walked into Zedd's full and thrumming house with Elias by my side I was still struggling to comprehend how I had gotten there. Against all odds, Elias had accepted the invitation, and I had driven by his house to pick him up. I was wearing tight shredded faded blue jeans and a black button-up, usual party style, but I was impressed that Elias had got the memo. He was wearing skinny black jeans in black DocMartens and a forest green button-up shirt. He looked both fashionable and handsome. Hot even. And I regretted wearing tight pants the minute I laid my eyes on him. It was going to be a long night.

I had been to a few of Zedd's parties before. His parents didn't really care and they had a huge house. His father owned a huge business and was a rich asshole that spent a lot of his time away on business trips. So Zedd invites half of the school and the house shakes with club music and base drops. We often joke that Zedd's secret ambition is to own a club. I darted a glance at Elias as I pushed open the front door. I knew this wasn't the sort of thing he was used to. Not at all his social sphere. But he didn't flinch as the music hit our ears suddenly like a tsunami and simply looked around curiously.

"Me and my mates usually re-group upstairs in Zedd's room where it's a bit quieter," I explained to Elias.

He nodded in response, his grey eyes darting across the room and taking in all the faces present.

"I don't want to lose you so you're coming with us," I said, grabbing hold of his hand to drag him through the crowd.

I realised what my words sounded like and nearly removed my hand from his own. But he didn't seem affected so perhaps he simply took it as a friendly grip so not to lose him the crowd. Which was true. Somewhat. I also liked holding his hand. But that was beside the point. I dragged him past dancing bodies; alcohol passed freely from hand to hand and some girls were dressed in ways certain to get them laid. I wondered if this shocked or disgusted Elias but his face was blank and didn't give any of his feelings away.

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