16: coming back to bite

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A/N: I usually don't want to update so fast cos then I don't have time to write the next chapter but I wrote this all yesterday and I can't wait so here it is...
Also RootBeerFloatsYum & babyrs07 , don't worry I fixed up the shower issue 😂


Every time I saw Axel in the corridors at school on Monday, my heart jumped and my ears burnt. Just watching him talk with his friends, that trademark smirk, the rolling of his broad shoulders brought back the memory of Friday night. I still couldn't quite wrap my head around what had happened. One second I had a boner and then the next we were naked and Axel's lips were wrapped around my dick. I could remember the sight of his tan naked body, his golden cock. Just dwelling on the memory made my dick twitch in my pants.

After I had jerked him off we had laid there for a bit, soaking in the feeling of being in each other's arms, in post-orgasmic bliss. Then we had reluctantly gotten up and showered. We didn't shower together as we knew we had trouble controlling ourselves around each other. I met Axel's parents at dinner, a rather awkward affair since Drew kept winking at us and smirking knowingly. Afterwards we piled a bunch of cushions and blankets on the sofa of the lounge and binge-watched a hilarious American TV show called "Two Broke Girls" before falling asleep on the sofa with the TV still on. Let me tell you, I got the worst neck cramp. But it was worth it.

Axel and I saw each other in art class but it wasn't the same as everyone was back to their old seats and he was with Ethan again. I had always thought of Ethan as a pretty nice guy, definitely one of the calmer soccer players, but now that he got to sit next to my boyfriend the evil green monster was rearing its head. And no, I'm not talking about the Hulk, I'm talking about jealousy. After spending so much time with Axel, it was hard to fall back into the separation. Especially since our intimate moment Friday night that somehow strengthened our bond even more. I could barely bear to be apart from him. I want to be with him. Hold his hand.

Stephanie told me I should just go talk to him when she noticed me glancing at his table non-stop Monday lunchtime. But that would be like stepping into the lion's den. Monday afternoon, Axel had soccer training and my mum had organised to have some people over so I couldn't stay back to talk to him. Thus, when I walked through the school gates Tuesday morning, it was with the determination to talk to Axel, even if I had to corner him. The opportunity came when my literature class was let out ten minutes early before lunch. I quickly jogged over to stand near Axel's locker on the other side of the school. Soon enough, I heard his sexy voice coming around the corner and he appeared, Zedd, Mitch and Ethan in tow. I immediately regretted being there as Zedd looked at me critically.

"What are you doing here, loitering around?" He asked me in his condescending voice.

"Uh," I darted a glance at Axel who was looking at me blankly, "I just wanted to talk to Axel about something."

The three boys and me turned to Axel who seemed keen on ignoring all our questioning glances and shuffled his belongings in his locker.

"Ok fine," he finally let out, "Follow me."

I followed him wordlessly around the corner to the narrow dim hallway that was barely used and led to ancient decrepit bathrooms, only ever used for an emergency or a horny couple. I couldn't help but feel hurt from his lack of happiness at seeing me although I knew it was because his friends were there.

"What did you want to tell me?" Axel asked as he slipped his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall.

"Um," my mind went blank, "I don't know. I just wanted to talk to you. I barely see you anymore and I miss you already." I blushed at my confession.

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