7: 20 questions & a nuzzle

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A/N: ^just swap the hair colours...


I couldn't believe it. I was in Axel's house. In his bedroom. He was on his bed. If someone had told me this would happen a few days ago I would have burst out laughing. I felt like I was in a dream. I didn't know yet if it was a good one or a bad one.

I never thought I would find myself in my freaking crush's bedroom. Or that his brother was gay. And as gorgeous as him. God, what was it with the attractive genes in the Rowe family? Drew had the same muscular physique and sculpted face as Axel. His hair was more blonde than Axel's though and shorter, and his eyes hazel rather than bronze. And while he was definitely a stunning male specimen I still found that Axel had a little something extra that made me more attracted to him.

Maybe it was the way he was broody instead of flirty. I was still in shock at the innuendos Drew had made about Axel and I. Not that I didn't wish they were true, but I was worried that Drew would figure out from my reactions that I was indeed gay for Axel. Then he would tell Axel and my whole world would crash down.

I awkwardly shifted on Axel's desk chair and peered at his lying form on his bed. His room was very much like him, the navy blue matching his broody vibes. I wasn't sure it was a good idea that I had agreed to play 20 questions with him. I had too many secrets. But if I had said no he would have been suspicious and then attempted to figure me out even more. I just crossed my fingers that he kept the game strictly basic. After all, we barely knew each other.

"Okay," Axel cleared his throat, "I'll start. What's your favourite colour?"

"Green. Like grass," I replied, glad for the relatively simple start, "You?"

"Navy blue, if you hadn't guessed," Axel raised his eyebrows, "Favourite animal?"

"Um, turtles?" I replied.

Axel snorted and I rolled my eyes. There was nothing wrong with liking turtles.

"Well what's your favourite animal?" I challenged him.

"Black panthers," he replied with a smirk.

It was my turn to roll my eyes, but in defeat. We continued like that, asking random, useless and superficial questions. I learnt that Axel had a penchant for figs, crime stories and Tom Cruise (hence the Mission Impossible posters). I didn't comment on the fact that Axel made it seem like Tom Cruise was his celebrity crush but he must have realised what it sounded like as he began ranting about Scarlett Johanssen and how her 'sexy body turned him on'.

Uncomfortable, I quickly changed the subject to careers and found out Axel wanted to be an architect. Thanks to our lack of imagination we were asking each other the same questions back and forth. None of Axel's questions had been that private yet, which made me glad, but I knew it was too good to be true.

"How many people have you dated?" Axel asked me.

"Um none." I ducked my head in embarrassment, "You?" I asked in turn, expecting a high number.

"Lol none either," Axel chuckled, seeming strangely pleased, "I don't date." He answered my wide questioning eyes.

I guessed he meant that he only got with girls for the sex and never actually went out with one. I should have found that disgusting but somehow I more jealous of the girls he'd been with then the fact that Axel was a fuckboy.

"Are you still a virgin?" He continued with the private questions, bordering on inappropriate.

I bit my lip and considered lying. Then I realised he probably already expected the truth.

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