11: smooches & revelations

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A/N: I wasn't going to publish this chapter so soon but it was written and it directly follows on from the previous one so... enjoy!! 😊


I was kissing Axel. Oh My Freaking Gawd. I think I was having an aneurysm. How the hell had I gotten to this point? I had agreed to go to a stupid party even though I hate crowds and drunks and slutty girls because Axel asked me and my stupid ass would do anything he asked me to do. So then I had to get dressed appropriately and Axel picked me up from home looking even hotter than usual with his button-up and tight shredded jeans that emphasised his tanned muscular legs.

My parents were both delighted and shocked that I was going to a party. Cue the rich house with music so freaking loud you can hear the thumping from outside. I nearly fainted when I walked in and saw the number of people. And then Axel took my hand and I nearly swooned even though I knew it was just to lead me through the crowd. Then there was that girl with the biggest boobs I had ever seen who flirted with me and touched my chest and I so glad that Axel pulled her away before it became apparent how repulsed I was despite her being beautiful.

Then there was the game of spin the bottle. Your classic game to create shit. I felt so awkward when Julie and Beatriz made out, even more when I realised that the idiot Zedd next to me was getting a hard on from it. And when I looked at Axel to see if he was the same, he looked at me and I felt caught out. When Julie chose me I nearly had a panic attack. I couldn't imagine snogging anyone around the circle. Okay... Axel yes... but there was so little chance that it would be him. So I schooled my face blank and spun the bottle. And nearly had another heart attack when, against all odds, it landed on Axel. Then it hit me: I was going to have to snog Axel in front of all his friends.

And now here we were. His muscular body pressed against mine, my fingers clutching his collar and my lips on his. His pink lips which were as soft as I had imagined.

"Come on guys you need to get some tongue action going! It's already been four seconds," I heard Julie's voice say.

I knew this was Axel's first kiss and I hadn't wanted to come on too strong but I knew I should lead. And I wanted it to be good. I obeyed Julie and slipped out my tongue, gently caressing the seam of Axel's lips. His fingers tightened sporadically on my hips and I smirked against his mouth. I pulled his lower lip into my mouth with my teeth and sucked on it. He let out a gasp that I quickly swallowed so that the others wouldn't hear by covering his now open mouth with my own. I moved my mouth against his, coaxing him to grow confident. I caressed the inside of his mouth with my tongue, tangling it with his own. Slowly he began to grow more confident and I tightened my hold on him even further as he teased me with his tongue. Fireworks kept exploding in my head, spreading tingles throughout my body.

"Okay ten seconds!" I heard Ethan's voice call out.

I ripped myself away from Axel. It was the last thing I wanted to do but with the passion I had felt in the kiss, which I prayed wasn't unrequited, I knew that if I hadn't pulled away then we would have struggled to stop and his friends would have labeled us as gay. Which may have been true but now was really not the moment to be outed. My chest heaved as I watched Axel get back his breath. He looked shell-shocked, his cheeks flushed deep red and his lips swollen. Thanks to me. I realised that I must look similar.

"Well that was hot," Julie commented.

I looked from her smirking face to Axel's flushed one to Zedd's suspiciously calculating one.

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