12: first date

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"Elias! Are you ready yet?!" I heard my mum yell in my room.

I jumped, startled, and juggled with the comb as I nearly dropped it. I had been attempting to tame my unruly brown locks in vain. I sighed in defeat and put down the comb, inspecting myself one last time in the bathroom mirror. I wore a red flannel over an ACDC t-shirt, baggy ripped jeans and a pair of black and white Vans. I hoped it would be appropriate for whatever Axel had organised. He'd refused to tell me where he was going to take me on our first date and said it was a surprise. I hate surprises.

"Yes I'm ready mum," I walked out into my bedroom where she was waiting for me.

"Oh you look so handsome," my mum hugged me, "He's a lucky guy."

"I never said it was a guy," I blushed.

"I'm your mum. And I'm practically sure it's that gorgeous blond who took you to that party. You should have seen the way he looked at you when you came down the stairs." My mum rolled her eyes.

"How was he looking at me?" I asked, curious.

Just as my mum opened her mouth to answer me, the doorbell rang.

"Oh he's here!" She exclaimed and ran out of my bedroom to welcome him.

I sighed and followed her, stopping to shove my phone in my pocket and close my bedroom door behind me. I came down the stairs to see my mum talking excitedly with an awkward looking Axel. I froze for a second as I took him in. He wore tight grey jeans that sculpted his muscular legs, an equally tight and sculpting navy v-neck and one of those cool aviator denim jackets like the one Tom Cruise wore in Topgun. He looked as gorgeous as usual. He looked up as I came down the last few steps and I felt tingles run through my body as he looked me up and down with satisfaction. Deciding to make him uncomfortable I sauntered over to him.

"Hello Axel," I leaned in and kissed his cheek, smirking.

He blushed and shifted uncomfortably on his feet, all too aware of my watching mother. My parent in question spoke up.

"It was so nice to meet you properly Axel," she beamed, "You're as gorgeous as Elias had told me," she winked.

It was my turn to blush and look uncomfortable while Axel smirked and raised his eyebrows at me over my mum's shoulder as she hugged me goodbye.

"Remember to use protection," she whispered in my ear.

"What the hell mum!" I shrieked and pulled away from her in shock.

She grinned at me evilly and fearing that she would repeat herself, I grabbed Axel's hand and pulled him out the front door. I dropped his hand as soon as we were outside, all to aware of the awkward tension between us. We hadn't talked about what had happened last night. When he'd driven me home after the party he'd told me to be ready at 4pm for a date the next day.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Axel as I tugged on the seatbelt in the passenger seat of Axel's ute.

"I told you already, it's a surprise," he chuckled as he turned on the engine and reversed out of my driveway.

I sighed and forced myself to look at the view outside the window instead of Axel's handsome profile. Soon we were driving out of town into the nearby woods.

"Please don't tell me you're kidnapping me and going to murder me in those woods," I asked Axel.

"Don't worry," he chuckled, "I want to keep you whole babe."

He winked at me and I shook my head, returning to my observation out of the window to hide my blush. I really needed to stop blushing so much but for some reason I can't help but act like an over-enthusiastic traffic light when I'm around Axel. Soon he brought the car to a stop near a creek.

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