Ella and Daddy/ family time.

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"DADDY IS HOME" Ella screams running into his arms "good morning" he smiles snuggling her under the sheets "why daddy not at work" Ella asks "daddy has a day off" he smiles kissing her head.

"lets leave mummy sleep, is Emily okay" Mikey asks climbing off the bed and Ella nods "shes sleeping too" she giggles. "no im not" Emily says making Ella go give her a hug.

"should we get you girls some breakfast" he asks and Ella nods going downstairs. "Emily you cold" Mikey asks and Emily nods shyly making him grab one of Ellas jumpers and hand it to her. "thank you" she smiles putting it on "ill put the heating on too would hate for you to be cold" he smiles lightly.

Mikey made the girls some food before going to see to Ariana. He smiles walking into the room to see her peacefully sleeping before her alarm went off. Ariana turns it off and hides her head as she saw Mikey looking at her.

"morning beautiful" He smiles walking to sot next to her. "morning" Ariana mumbles "are the girls okay" Ariana asks and Mikey nods Ariana leans up and kisses Mikeys lips smiling. "your gonna hate when we both have jobs that start at different times" he chuckles "im waking you up every morning for a kiss i dont care what you say" she giggles "i cannot function without my kisses" she pouts "well since you have had your kiss" he chuckles grabbing her hand "you can get out of bed" he pulls her up.

"when the fuck did you get undressed... how the fuck i not notice" he asks grabbing her top and shorts. "I was too hot and i just stripped" she pouts letting him help her change.

Ariana walks downstairs Mikey following her and smile at the girls colouring at the table. "morning mummy" Ella smiles. "morning Ariana" Emily smiles "morning girls" Ariana smiles giving them both a hug.

"Ella how would you like a day with daddy" Mikey asks handing Ariana a cup of tea "i would love that but mummy would be bored" Ella giggles "mummy would be okay. Daddy wants to spend some time with you i can go see one if my friends" Ariana says "definatly not going if your seeing sarah or Gabi" Ella whines "okay mummy will just relax all day" Ariana rolls her eyes.

"i want to marry your mummy" Mikey tells Ella making her smile. "i want you to help me with the ring" He adds making Ella give him a hug "i love you i love you i love you." Ella says "im so happy you make her happy daddy" she smiles kissing his cheek. "im glad i can make both you girls happy" he smiles carrying her into the ring store.

"daddy wants to marry my mummy" Ella beams "what kind of ring are you looking for" the lady asks "a sparkly one" Ella says "of course it would he sparkly" Mikey chuckles.

"why dont we just have a look" the lady smiles making Mikey nod. "that one daddy" Ella says "she would hate the size of that baby girl" Mikey says "mummy would want something simple daddy she love you she wouldnt care if it was haribo" Ella giggles making Mikey nod.

"what about this one" He points making Ella look.

Ella nods in agreement

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Ella nods in agreement. "ill take this one" Mikey says. The lady says the price and Ella shakes her head "daddy no its too much money" Ella frowns "its fine Ella" he rolls his eyes "mummy will be mad at you" she says "no she wont" he laughs kissing her head.

"should we go get you a teddy bear" Mikey asks and Ella shakes her head "not after you spent that much money on a ring" Ella says "your 5 Ella relax" mikey says taking the box and leaving the store.

"do you want a teddy" Mikey asks making Ella shrug "come on lets go look" he chuckles. "daddy" Ella beams making him smile "yes" he asks "are you glad you broke mummys phone" Ella questions remembering how her mother told them how they met. Mikey chuckles "i mean kind of since i got to meet the her and love her and i get to love you so i guess i am. But then i wish i never broke her phone because i saw in her eyes she was so angry at me" he chuckles.

"what do you see in her eyes now daddy" Ella asks "I see love, She may be sad and i could go cuddle her to make her feel better and Ill see that she is thankful for my actions by her body language." he explains letting her go pick a bear.

"what about me" she giggles. "Every time you call me daddy makes my heart burst with joy. Every cuddle every kiss just everything you do makes me incredible proud of you." he pecks her cheek.

"ARIANA WE NEED TO TALK" Mikey shouts "MIKEY" Ariana calls making him go find her. "im in soooo much pain" Ariana whines holding her tummy. Mikey pouts seeing his girl in pain made him feel bad.

"what kind of pain is it princess" he asks stroking her cheek. "like period pain but im not on my period and im not due yet" she looks up to him. "are you pregnant" he asks "Ella didn't cause me pain though" Ariana sighs "lets take a test and then go get check to see what is wrong" he suggests "i dont have any tests" she pouts. "ill go buy you one" he kisses her soft lips making her smile.

"you smell nice what you got on" she asks "hugo boss" Mikey sticks his tongue out at her making her giggle.

"wheres our little princess" Ariana asks looking into his eyes. "she went to play" he smiles. "help me up" she giggles extending her arms.

Mikey pull her up gently letting her go find her little girl. While he went to the shop.

"hi angel" Ariana smiles sitting down on the floor next to her. Ella smiles climbing into her lap. "daddy told me he sees love in your eyes before" Ella smiles "i see love in his eyes too" Ariana giggles playing with Ellas pony tail. "dont mess it up daddy did it" Ella pouts "turn around" Ariana asks making Ella show her the back of her head.

Ariana shakes her head at the fact he had missed a bit and bought a clip to clip it in place but leaving it since she could see Ella was happy that he was interacting with her.

"Mummy can i do you hair" Ella beams "of course but lets go downstairs so i can get a drink" Ariana suggests and Ella nods standing up.

"do we have any fruit shoots" Ella asks "no but i can message daddy and ask him to get some since he has gone shop for me" Ariana suggests "please mummy" Ella smiles. Ariana looks for her phone picking it up off the side and opening her contacts.

My Boy 💙: Hi baby, Ella is asking for some fruit shoots. She says shell give you a big hug and a kiss if you get her some xxxxxxx

"if daddy brings you some you have to give him a bug hug and kiss" Ariana chuckles "okay" Ella giggles.

Ariana sat on the floor with Ella behind while she messed with her hair. "i think mummy should have her hair like this all the time" Ella giggles making Ariana look. "i think daddy would have something else to say" Ariana laughs slightly.

Mikey was just about to check out when he heard his phone ping. He pulls it out of his pocket.

My angel ❤️: Hi baby, Ella is asking for some fruit shoots. She says shell give you a big hug and a kiss if you get her some xxxxxxx

Be chuckles to him self stepping out the line and going to find some.

My angel ❤️: Tell her i count of them kisses and that big hug. 😉 See you soon xxxx

Since you could only buy packs of 6 since that was all that was available in the store he bought two, since he knew Ella loved her fruit shoots before he headed to pay wanting to get back and cuddle with his girls.

When he arrived home he smiles at them both giggling at Ellas attempt to do Ariana's hair. Ella jumps off the soft running to give him a hug. "thank you" Ella smiles "anything to make my girl happy" he smiles kissing her head.

"Now I know you dont like the orange ones that much but it was just involved in the box okay" He tells Ella and Ella nods grabbing a black current one.

Ariana walks into the kitchen and Mikey hands her the box "go take one baby" he smiles lightly. "okay" she replies walking to the bathroom and peeing on the stick and leaving it on the side.

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