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"your having twins" Sam smiles "they arent gonna fit in my tummy" Ariana pouts "looks like your gonna be massive" Mikey chuckles kissing her cheek. "does this mean everything is okay and im aloud to go home" Ariana asks and she nods.

Ariana stands up and Mikey chuckles "come on i wanna go home" Ariana pouts pulling Mikey up. "okay okay im coming" Mikey follows her. "its a bit windy" Ariana pouts.

"come here angel" he smiles picking her up. "twins hey"he smiles kissing her nose. "ugh thats stress" Ariana pouts. "it was hard enough with one" she sighs resting her head on his shoulder. "what if they both wake up at different times" she pouts "we can handle it" he kisses her head carrying her to the car.

"i would laugh if they were both girls" Ariana giggles "one of them has to be a boy please i need a boy to play with" he pouts "sorry i dont decide the gender" she giggles.

"mummy" Ella giggles running into her arms "hi princess" Ariana smiles holding her "grandma said you were sick are you okay now" Ella asks "i am baby" Ariana smiles giving her a kiss. "come on daddy is waiting for us at home"Ariana smiles.

"okay" Ella smiles taking her hand and walking next to her. "Emily cut her knee today" Ella pouts "did she, was she okay" Ariana asks "she cried but she was okay" Ella replies "did she have to get a plaster" Ariana questions "yeah and it had a smily face on" Ella giggles.

Ariana opens the door and Ella runs inside into her daddy arms. "hi princess" he smiles giving her a cuddle. "hi daddy" she smiles giving him a kiss on the cheek. "hi baby missed you" he coos.

"thank you for taking care of mummy last night daddy" Ella tells him. "i'm always going to take care of your mummy" he smiles stroking some hair from her face.

Ariana smiles at her two favourite people enjoying themselves. Nothing meant more to her than seeing a smile on her girls face and seeing the man she loved just lie and cuddle his child when he was stressed about work.

Ariana leaves the alone and walks into the kitchen and grabbed out some things from the cupboard and began to start to make them all something to eat.

"mummy whats for tea" Ella asks "chicken" Ariana tells her. "okay" she smiles climbing onto the chair "i thought you were cuddling with daddy" Ariana asks confused "he needed the toilet mummy" Ella giggles "oh okay" Ariana smiles walking over to her and giving her a kiss.

"can we watch princess movies after we have eaten mummy" Ella asks "sure" Ariana smiles.

"baby can you read and sign this" Ariana asks Mikey "when your dressed" she adds with a giggle sitting on the bed. "of course i can" he smiles "stop watching" he chuckles "hey if your aloud to watch me, i'm aloud to watch you" she pouts making him shake his head walking over to give her a kiss. "get changed" Ariana rolls her eyes.

Mikey throws on some clothed and takes the paper from Ariana's hand and reads through it and signs it. "here you go princess" he smiles handing it her back.

Ariana lays down "you need rest baby" he pouts "your starting working soon for a few hours a day to help you with your studies and im worried about you carrying two babies" he pouts "baby i know when im doing too much stop worrying. and trust me im scared about carrying two babies" she sighs "can you help me change" she asks and he nods grabbing her some clothes and helping her get unchanged.

"you have a sleep baby. Im going to go lock up and ensure that Ella is asleep and come cuddle you" he kisses her head "okay" she smiles.

my world ❤️ Ariana and MikeyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat