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"its been such a long few days" Ariana sighs getting into bed next to Mikey. "it has" he pouts moving his leg slightly. Ariana looks at Mikey's laptop screen and looks up to him confused. "you making a business" she asks "looking into it yeah" he smiles. "on what" she asks "ill obviously have the stuff i know i can do like joinery, plumbing, electrics but i want stuff on houses." Mikey explains. "so design for houses" Ariana asks and Mikey nods.

"sounds good" she yawns "how are my twins doing" he asks placing a hand on her tummy. "kicking me like crazy" she pouts. "im so scared to have to push two out you know" she admits "it hurt enough pushing Ella out" she pouts. "im sure you can manage it" he gives her a kiss.

"you nor going sleep" Ariana asks. "i will soon" he smiles down to her. "okay goodnight i love you"

"i love you too" he smiles.

Ariana woke up to the twins kicking her in the bladder. She climbs off the bed and walks to the bathroom and using the toilet before going to grab herself a drink.

"mummy" Ella jumps dropping the milk. "Ella" Ariana asks "im sorry" Ella gasps "its okay" Ariana moves her little girl away from the milk while Ariana threw a towel down on the floor. "you still want some milk" Ariana asks and Ella nods. Ariana nods grabbing her a cup and opening the new bottle of milk and pouring her a glass.

Ariana grabs a drink before looking to Ella. "right we are going to quietly go up to mummy's room and we are going to shower you off so your clean" Ariana tells her making Ella nod and follow her mother.

"do i have to get my hair wet" Ella asks "nope mummy will try not to" Ariana says putting a messy bun in her hair and spraying her off.

"Ariana did you use all the milk" Mikey asks confused. "I needed a drink in the night and Ella was in the kitchen and i made her jump so she dropped the milk. I need to go shop and buy some more" Ariana tells him. "was she okay" he asks confused "i think she was just thirsty and milk was the only thing she was able to reach" Ariana shrugs.

"maybe be should buy her some juice cartons and keep them in the fridge for when she needs a drink" Mikey suggests "i mean we have fruit-shoots we can put in there instead of the cupboard." Ariana goggles folding some clothes and putting them away. "i mean im glad she didn't try and climb on the counter" Mikey smiles wrapping his arms around her "shes sensible baby" Ariana smiles kissing his lips.

"im sleepy" Ariana yawns resting her head on his shoulder. Mikey rubs her back gently soothing her. "you want to go for a nap princess" he asks "i have a 4 year old" Ariana pouts "we have a 4 year old who is at school" Mikey chuckles picking her up and carrying her up to bed and tucking her in

"Mikey" Ariana mumbles as he went to leave the room. "yes princess" he asks "sometimes o say Ella is mine i never mean it as she isn't yours because she is" Ariana tells him "i know princess go sleep" he tells her before leaving the room.

Mikey decided that because Ariana was sleeping he would help her out and clean the best he could throughout the whole house trying not to make too much noise. Before he had to go collect his little girl from school.

Ella comes out and walks over to her dad handing him her bag "hi daddy" she smiles "hi princess" he smiles back helping her into the car. "were going food shopping you okay with that" he asks making Ella nod.

"is mummy okay daddy" Ella asks as he began to drive them to the shop "shes just tired baby" Mikey responds "okay" Ella replies.

"we need milk daddy" Ella pouts "i know princess its okay" Mikey smiles picking her up. "i wanted to be a big girl and mummy made me jump" Ella pouts "you are a big girl baby we have put you some fruit shoots in there incase you get thirsty and cant reach normal drinks" Mikey tells her "your the best parents" Ella giggles "we want you to be safe" he smiles.

"can we watch princess movies when we get home" Ella asks "sure we can" he smiles

"yay" Ella smiles throwing in the stuff Mikey handed to her since Ella wanted to help.

Ariana and Mikey cuddled together to watch some tv after watching princess movies with there girls for hours. "thanks for cleaning up today" Ariana smiles "your welcome. Its the least i could do I need to help you out more" he rubs her side.

"mummy mummy mummy" Ella giggles running down the stairs "why aren't you in bed" Ariana asks "im daddy mummy look" Ella twirls making Ariana smile.

"daddy look im you" Ella giggles in one of his tops "come on its past your bedtime" Ariana stands up "daddy" Ella climbs into his lap. "yes angel" he asks "will you read me a bedtime story" She asks kissing his cheek "of course I will" he smiles standing up with her in his arms "say goodnight to mummy" Mikey says "mummy come too" Ella pouts making Ariana nod and follow them to her room.

Ella climbs back into her bed and Mikey grabs a princess book and began to read to his little one of course changing the princess to Princess Ella.

Ella held onto his arm gently closing her eyes as she fell off to sleep. He gently peels her off him and tucks her in kissing her head. "night princess" he smiles Ariana walks over and kisses her cheek before they both leave her room.

"she looked cute in your shirt" Ariana giggles "she follows her mother too much" he chuckles turning Ariana around so he could give her a hug. "why you crying" he asks "my kids have the worlds best daddy" Ariana smiles

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