Three Years Ago

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"Fuck! Kelly! Kelly! Wake up! what did you do!" Garrett said to Kelly beaten and bloody body.
"I'm fine  I'm okay," said Kelly. I'm taking you to the hospital don't argue with me said, Garrett.
Now that at ER.
Hello I'm Dr.Lockhart I look over your scan you have a few crack ribs, laceration over your left eye, bruising on the face, and some cuts and scrapes on your hands and rest of your body. You need at least 25 stitches. Kelly can you tell me what happened to you. Kelly looks at Garrett then back at the doctor and said " It's crazy I'm just so clumsy, I trying to change the light bulb fell on a ladder" then Garrett said it's nothing to worry about the doctor. The doctor couldn't keep her, so she gave her the stitches Kelly was discharged.
Garrett said I want you to be completely honest with me did Booth raped you. No No. He didn't, Kelly said.
A few days went by Kelly and Garrett was keeping up low profile because of everything that happens New Year's eve. Everything was completely casual they would cook food, watch trashy reality TV...
Sitting on the couch, Garrett looks at Kelly whisper to her, and said I love you I don't want anything to happen to you. He moves closer to her and gave her a gentle kiss. She grabs his face and kissed him back. They began to kiss intensely, grabbing each other, touching each other, clothes began to come off, they make love.
They spent weeks attach to each other by the hip constantly making love.
Six weeks had passed, everything was back to normal in the Booth's organization. Kelly went back to taking orders from Booth, while Garrett kept a log of who was come in and out of the warehouse.
Kelly was in the warehouse she heard Booth come up behind her Kelly from Ohio he said. I'm thinking about pushing somethings around, I have to tie up some loose ends. Kelly knew that was a code that Booth to push meth. His phone rang and he began a conversation with someone telling them in 8 months a large shipment will be coming through Chicago. Kelly told Garrett this news...
Couple weeks had passed since Kelly heard Booth's conversation She's spent her time trying to avoid him, but he seemed to find her anyway. Oddly enough every time Booth came by she felt ill. It wasn't the sight of him, it was more of the smell him her nose was very sensitive these days, and everything made her sick. As a joke, Garrett said to Kelly that she was pregnant with his little bean.
Kelly decided to go to med to get some blood work done. Dr. Lockhart came in to read Kelly's results She told her congratulation you're pregnant about 12 weeks pregnant. Kelly was so excited but then she remembered that she was an undercover cop working a case and she broke the rules. Dr.Lockhart assured her that the baby was healthy and everything was going well with her pregnancy.
Back at the apartment
Kelly was excited to see Garrett at the end of the day. Garrett came through and Kelly could not control herself she yells I'm pregnant. He was so happy and excited. Then he told her that this is a secret that they need to keep between themselves their superior could never find out because they would be taken off the case also fired.
Time went by, Kelly got biggest. It seemed like Booth became more suspicious of her and Garrett. It was two weeks before the shipment was supposed to coming in, Kelly's water broke Garrett rushed her to the hospital. Labor went normal delivery was normal the baby boy cry and they name him Spencer Tyler. Kelly and Spencer spent two days at med then they were discharged.
Kelly and Garrett had to get back on the case because they knew this was the last opportunity they had to get Booth before he went underground. Booth was surprised to see Kelly back at the warehouse, where is the baby said he I have a gift for him. Kelly and Garrett decide that Kelly would go back on the case and Garrett would stay at home to take care of Spencer. Everything was busy at the warehouse because the new shipment was on its way. Kelly was in place and all the other agents called, the cops were on route. Booth what's on the phone setting up arrangements for the shipment it's like he knew what was going to happen before it happened. Booth said to the person on the phone make him disappear I don't care. While he was looking at Kelly. The shipment came in the warehouse the drivers came out the truck they were undercover DEA agents they're unfamiliar to Booth weapons drawn. Shots were fired, Booth was hit all the cops came through and tackle and he was arrested and everyone else that was a part of the warehouse was arrested. Kelly disappeared within all the action because she didn't want her cover to be blown.
Back to the apartment
Kelly was excited to get back to the apartment to tell Garrett the news of what was happening. When she arrived in the apartment the door was open the apartment was trashed there was blood everywhere. Kelly started to panic she yell Garrett name but nothing, it was just silent. She ran into the room, she looked at the crib and it was empty there was blood all over it then she realizes what Booth did.
Booth had Garrett and their son killed...

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