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As she enters her into the room she was hit across her head knock out..... Rojas hear the noise from her bedroom she went upstairs to check on Hailey. When Vanessa enters the room she was Hailey's face down on the down, she went to her she rolled her over. Hailey 's face was bloody and her hands and feet were zip ties together. Suddenly as Vanessa was getting to grab Hailey's phone to call 911, Vanessa was grabbed from behind and inject. Vanessa fell to the floor. The person picks up Hailey and left the house. After leaving the house Hailey was placed into a car she was driven across town to a gated community. A still unconscious Upton was taken out of the car and carried inside a home she was placed in a home and left alone. A few hours passed, she slowly regains consciousness, she was able to hear voice her in the room with her. Stand by a window a man began to speak " I guess congratulations for joining Hank Voight Intelligence Unit, I must say you have a lovely home but I never figured you for the roommate type, but I guess a lot of things have changed in five years." 
Hailey couldn't believe it what she was hearing, all she could see was his silhouette that projected from the light that was coming through the window. Hailey knew who this man was, it was the same man she saw early that day, but she knew this man from before it was Garrett.
Hailey said, "I thought you were dead five years is a long time to be gone, right Garrett." The man answer Yes it is.
There was a knock on the door, Garrett moved from the window walk to the door there was a man on the other side he said "you have some visitors" Garrett said I will tell you went to send them in. Garrett closed the door.
Garrett begins to walk towards a tried up Hailey, he takes out his knife then he cuts her zip ties. He told her don't do anything stupid Kelly then smiles. Garrett yell okay come in. The door opens and two little boys came in Hailey stared at little boys, the younger boy had curly jet black hair with green eyes oval-shaped face and his skin was tan he looked a lot like Garrett but the older boy had sandy blonde hair with blue with little freckles on his face, he could be more than 4 or 5. Her mind began to race until the older boy spoke: " Hi I'm ST it is short for Spencer Tyler and this is my little brother Piper Kelly." It was as if Hailey saw a ghost the little boy she lost so many years ago had returned to her. She became incredibly overwhelmed unsure whether to get up and hug the boy but figured that might scare him so she decided just to say Hi I'm Hailey. Then Garrett said "Okay boys visit is over off to bed" He moved them outside with little waves the boys left the room.
Hailey began to cry she said to" how could you keep him away from me"
Garrett said"It was the only way to keep you safe"
Hailey said, " So faking your death making me believe that my kid was murder, and you are a dirty cop."
Garrett said, " I when undercover I change and when Booth came to me with an opportunity I took it. Booth knew we cops, I knew I could do this."
Hailey said, " What the hell Garrett you took at an oath remember it's not worth it."
Garrett said, "The oath is a joke I'm in charge of one largest organization running import and export business from Central America to South America.
Hailey said, "Import and Export you transporting and distributing meth laced with Fenanthy for Booth."
Garrett smile.
Hailey said, "Piper Kelly is his mother zip ties somewhere in another room."
Garrett said, " Piper's mother died in childbirth in Mexico city three years ago. Chat time is over can I trust for you to stay here or I have to zip ties you to the bed."
Hailey said, " I'm not going anywhere."
Garrett said, "Great my men will guard the door to make sure you are comfortable to see you in the morning."
Next Morning Back at the 21 District 

Halstead, Ruzek, Burgess, and Atwater were ready to get brief by Voight but Upton and Rojas were not at the district. So Halstead got on the phone and called Hailey's phone it when straight to voicemail, then he called it again then Vanessa answer "Hello'' Halstead said " Hailey where are you need to get" before Jay was able to sentence finish his sentence. Vanessa said "Jay it's Vanessa they took Hailey," Halstead said "okay " Halstead when to Voight to tell what Rojas told him on the phone. 

Within the hour everyone from the 21 District was at Upton home. Voight enters and sits down next to Rojas, tell her to walk me through what happened here. Rojas" we came through the door Hailey upstairs to her room, I went downstairs I heard a noise coming from upstairs so I went to check it out it was coming from Hailey' room I opened the door Hailey was in the middle of the room on the floor face down. I roll her over she had a cut on her face and was she zip ties hands and feet. I saw her phone on the table I got up someone grabbed me. I don't remember it any else. I think I was injected with something?" Voight said, " I want fingerprints of every surface in this house, someone gets me footage from the street pod."  The team gather evidence and head back to the district. 

Meanwhile at Garrett Home 

Hailey was being escorted to the table she sat down at the table where the little boys were having breakfast. Hailey was trying to figure she going to escape, and how she going to take the kids with her. The children were trusting they came up to her play with her after they had finish eating. Garrett enters the room hugs the boys and sends them off to play in another room. Garrett asks Hailey " How many CI files does the Intelligence unit have on this investigation."  Hailey said, " If I knew that I won't tell you, do your men know that you are a cop." Garrett said, "I'm not a cop what information your team has on Ruiz and Simone." Hailey said, " Your men don't know who you are" Garrett becoming frustrated with Hailey he gets up from the table. With his back turn, Hailey takes a fork and knife from the table and push it in her pants, he didn't notice it. Garrett yells for one of the men to come to take Hailey back to her room. Hailey asks Garrett "if she gets more time with boys in her room." Garrett told her after dinner... 

Now back in her room, Hailey thought about her plan to escape. Hailey knew for her plan she needed to clear view of exits and car if needed. She needed the kids to go with her, she needed the kids to help. Then suddenly her door opens it was......

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