Tales of Two City's

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Back at the 21 District
Voight said
We have new case straight from headquarters Commander Fisher ask for the Intelligent unit personally to take these drug dealer off the Chicago streets.
There have been multiple murders and O.Ds happening in the humble park.
Our D.O.A is a sixteen-year-old Darrell Williams Latino male with a bullet in the head with ties to mz street gang. He was a low-level corner boy with $1000 worth of meth laced with Fentanyl. I want to know how a low-level corner boy gets his hand on Fentanyl.
Ruzek and Atwater, I want you to go back to the crime scene and speak to the local boys to find something. I want boots on the down. Knock on every door, turn over every stone I want to find the trail of Fentanyl that coming into my city.
Upton and Halstead were working the case, creating a timeline of how fentanyl could have come through Chicago. Burgess and Rojas were out the street to find out information about Darrell Williams associates.
Ruzek, Atwater, Burgess, and Rojas are back at the 21 District just into time to hear the intel about the meth laced with Fentanyl. Upton said, " The results came in meth was tested and it's was cut with pure fentanyl." Rojas came forward to give the information that she got from her CI he told me that word on the street is that there's a heavy hitter is arriving in Chicago three days from now, he comes to Chicago to visit with someone in Pentonville. This heavy hitter has connections to the Santa Maria Cartel and he's pushing drug from Mexico to Chicago. And how buyers he knows that he is coming he gets a corner boy kills and $1000 is placed in a mailbox nearby and the 1st hundred dollar bill is signed with a drawing of a baseball cap.
Upton to Rojas "Does your CI know who he's visiting in Pentonville?" Halstead said, "there's no possible way we can get surveillance on every visitor that comes to Pentonville."
Upton walks into Hank office and said
"Distribution of Meth in the city has risen in the past 6 months. I have working theory last time meth laced with Fentanyl was moving through the city was when Ron Booth was in charge. What if Booth has started back meth ring and now transporting meth straight from Mexico to Chicago he is running his organization from Pentonville. I know that Booth has gotten 23 visits from a Tomas Ruiz, 36 collect call from a Manny Simone, and Tomas Ruiz has been paying his commissary every month.
Hank said you have keep tap on Booth
Upton said Yes I make sure that he is paying for his crime, we were able to get enough evidence to support the murder, Garrett..... Then she held back before she said anything else. Upton leaves Voight office to back at her desk Ruzek came up to her and said I heard what you said to Voight, about Ron Booth working meth from the inside I heard rumors that Garrett flipping and working for Booth he was somewhere in El Salvador before Adam could finish his sentence Hailey got up and defend Garrett, she told Adam that Ron Booth was a snake in the grass he had Garrett killed. Halstead got between Hailey and Adam. Jay told Adam to walk away as he tries to calm down Hailey.
Jay knew the full story about Hailey and Garrett and why she was so emotional about Garrett and her unresolved emotions about her son.
Voight enter the room
Find me a connection between Tomas Ruiz and Manny Simone and find out what ties they have to Ron Booth.
I found the connection Burgess said Tomas Ruiz and Manny Simone are cousins they both are lieutenants in mz street gang but Ruiz is from Mexico City he arrived in Chicago four days before Darrell 's shooting.
Voight said I want surveillance and tracker on their cars, and tap their phones. According to the intel someone else is coming to Chicago with a lot of drugs these guys will lead us the right to the heavy hitter.
Hailey and Jay came up to talk Voight can we speak in private, then Hank leads them into his office Jay shut the door behind him. Hank sat down Hailey began to speak I want to go and see Booth before she was able to finish Hank stop her and said you want to see Ron Booth as Kelly. Hailey said no I want to go see Ron Booth as a Chicago Detective Hailey Upton. Voight smile and said are you ready to blow your cover......

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