A Hero in Blue

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March 24, 2020
While Hailey dressed the boys in their black suit, she tried to explain to them this is their father's funeral. There will a lot of officers in uniform. Other people that care about him. 
Saint Paul's Catholic Church was full for the funeral mass. Everyone he went to the academy with was there. Detectives from 43 District was there. The DEA agent he worked with was there. The Commissioner Fisher and everyone from his department. Everyone was dressed in uniform. Members from Firehouse 51 came to pay their respect. Garrett did not have anyone other than the boys and Hailey. Upton had mixed emotions going walking into the church while holding the boys' hands. She was angry with Garrett for keeping their son away for all those years. On the other hand, she was still in love with him.
The service began Father Nolan said the prayer.
Then Eulogy was given by Peter Johnston he was one of Garrett's friends.
Johnston said" Father Nolan. Police Commissioner Fisher.  Major Miller. To Hailey, Spencer, and Piper. And to all of Garrett's friend. On behalf of the Chicago Police Department, I extend our deepest condolences to you.

Today, as we honor the memory of  Derek Garrett, A Hero in Blue, it was not how these officers died that made them heroes; it is how they lived."

He was an exceptional police officer who loved putting bad guys in jail and serving his community. Those who worked with Garrett describe an officer that gave 100% all of the time.  He spent most of career as an undercover working the Mexico city cartel. Garrett made difficult decisions to keep his family safe. Garrett may have been a great cop, but I don't think anyone would describe him as a smooth operator. He wasn't a funny guy but he knew how to have fun. 

I remember when we were in the academy and hid in the barracks jumping out to scare the new cadets. To his son, there are no words capable of providing sufficient comfort. All we can do is pledge our undying support and promise to be by your side from this moment forward.

We say to ourselves if we could just have one more minute to say goodbye, to let them know how much they have impacted our lives. But alas that is not possible. All we can do is honor him by carrying on his legacy and by leading our lives as an example for others to follow. Today we say goodbye to DEA agent Derek Garrett, but it is not the last day we will remember his service and sacrifice. 

Garrett's name is now etched upon the police memorial along with the other Chicago Police Officers who died in the line of duty serving our community. For many generations to come, after we are all gone, they will be remembered for the sacrifice that they made. They are gone from us today, but their lives and service will never be forgotten. God bless you Garrett may you rest in peace."

After the eulogy, Father Nolan said another prayer. The funeral service was over. The Procession began with bagpipes, drums, someone played trumpet and several cadets and other officers dressed in uniform marching down the street. At the cemetery, 21 gun salute was given, the flag was given to Hailey, then Garrett casket was lower in the ground. There was airy feeling throughout the service as if everyone was waiting for Hailey to have a breakdown. She was sitting holding Piper and Spencer's hand. As Garrett's casket started to be lower into the ground she began to freak out. Vanessa grabs Piper and held him. Kim moved over to Spencer and held his hand. While Jay held Hailey as she cried.

After the funeral services, there was a small gathering at Upton house member from the intelligence unit and member from firehouse 51. 

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