Caught in the Act

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Upton said, "Son of Bitch."
Ruzek said, "What Upton"
Upton said, "This is Christie Wilson the same person who took Spencer and Piper out of my home."
Halstead said, "She couldn't get both boys  so she took one."
Ruzek said, "So Christie Wilson organize a kidnaping whats her motive."
Voight said, "I want uniforms to go to her home and pick her up. Find out what her ties to Roberto Pena. She played us."
Rojas said, "I found something Sergeant, Ms.Wilson has taken several trips in the last year to Mexico City."
Atwater said, "Patrol couldn't find her. She is the wind. I got the warrant  to search her apartment."
Voight said, "Good, take Ruzek with you."
At the Ms.Wilson Apartment
As Ruzek and Atwater enter into Ms. Wilson it was trashed. The furniture was broken throw all the over placed, glass was shattered. They enter into a bedroom where they found a dead Ms.Wilson. They call in it, their lead suspect was now dead. There were so many holes in this case. They continued to search Atwater found her laptop and phone, Ruzek found her planner. They return to the district. 
At the District
The tech lab has gone over her phone she received twenty-five calls from a burner phone. The techs pin the calls tracked to a cell tower in Rockland County. We have camera footage of that cell tower because of the new construction that happening there. 
Voight said, "Our main suspect is down in the morgue with a bullet in her head. Someone find me a connection. It's been 6 hours since Piper was taken."
Everyone in the intelligence unit was working on different angles to find Roberto. He was moving drug for MZ street gang but he running a murder charge. Ms. Wilson had a hand to play in Piper's kidnapping. Ron Booth was dead and Garrett was dead. Then suddenly the team caught a break in the case.
Roberto Pena has a mother who lives in Rockland County.
Atwater said, "Meet Maria Pena she has an excessive wrap sheet assaulted with a deadly weapon, armed robbery and other petty crimes against society. Pena knows that cops are on him for the murder and now kidnapping. His mom is helping him."
The intelligence unit left the 21 District. Upton was instructed to stay at the district, Spencer was sleeping in Hank's office. The team arrived at Maria Pena's home everyone was dressed in tactical gear it was pitch dark. Before the team enters the home they used a drone body scanner to see how many people were in the home. The drone picks up three warm bodies and guns. Voight said, "Call back to the district to request SWAT assigns." 
Hailey heard his request a left the district to join the team. 
SWAT and Upton arrived at home, Voight saw Upton and carry her aside he told her that there no way he going to get her to enter that building. The intelligence unit and SWAT got into position Halstead was at the door and say Chicago PD Open up! There is no response until Jay heard a familiar voice it was Piper. Halstead nob to SWAT they broke down the door throwing gas in the room then shot were fired. The team enters the home there a lot of screaming and commotion. Hailey was outside waiting patiently then she heard gunshots she tried to run into the home. Hailey was stopped when she saw Halstead walking out with Piper in his arms. He was crying and bloody Jay put him in Hailey's arms. Atwater and Ruzek walked out with Roberto Pena and his mother in cuffs. Paramedics check out Piper he had no injured and blood wasn't his. Trudy arrived on scene with Spencer, the brothers were finally reunited.....

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