New Normal

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At Pentonville
Inside of Pentonville, it was its only city with rules and hierarchy. The prison was divided into three sections. Cellblock 7 or first floor is where all the first-time offenders come to who have transported or distributed drugs, and grand theft possession of a firearm and assault. Cellblock 21 or gang life is where the majority of Chicago's finest gang member lived with crimes of assault, possession, drugs, and murder. Cellblock 34 or purgatory every criminal in this cellblock is awaited death. From murders, drug dealers, gangsters, and cop killers. Prisoners assigned a cellblock according to their crime and sentences.  
Numerous amount of new criminals coming through Pentonville from the MZ gang drug bust. Luis Ruiz was one of the criminals that enter into Pentonville system. He was registered as a drug dealer he was placed in Cellblock 21, while he awaited trial for the murder of an undercover cop. 
Jose Ramos was Ruiz's cellmate he was in for weapon possession and gang affiliations. Cellblock 21 was filled with a lot of members of the MZ gang with the news of their lieutenants' murder every gang member was out for blood they had allegiance to the Ruiz family. 
Luis settled into prison life, but he had a lot of things on his mind. Ruiz had meetings with gang members to talk about his brother, cousin, Lobo, and Booth. He told them how Booth got their family killed and how Lobo was an undercover cop and Booth knew this. Ruiz wanted Booth to pay for their murders. 
Cellblock 34 was liked a fortress the only way to get into there was through access keys. Access keys were only given to guards. After passing the door you need an access code get into the cells. With 24 hours of security, the only a prisoner from cellblock 21 gets into cellblock 34 if they are going to the infirmary. These inmates need to be escorted with a guard. 
The MZ gang had guards in their pocket from Cellblock 21 through Cellblock 34. Ruiz and Ramos decided to have a conference with MZ guard to talk about getting into Cellblock 34. The guard told them about Booth's schedule. The guard told them an hour from now Booth has a yard time. Before Booth can enter the yard he needs to pass corridor 6. Corridor 6 is the only place in the entire prison that doesn't have cameras its a blind stop. The guard assured Ruiz and Ramos that you can get him. The guards that worked for Mz gang were old or ex-members their loyal is only to the gang. 
Everything was in placed Booth was on his way to the yard being escorted by a guard with loyal to Mz. Coming to corridor 6 the guard stopped to tie his laced he told go-ahead. Booth thought nothing of this walk toward the corridor then suddenly a sharp pain came over him. He fell to the floor being stabbed multiple times. The men ran through the door next to the corridor while Booth bleeds out.
At the District 
It wasn't noon yet Hank Voight received a call from Pentonville He told the team that Booth is on his way to med, but the doctor at the infirmary pronounce him dead. They are transported to his body to follow the procedure. This case is officially closed. Everyone go home 
Hailey and Vanessa drove to go a pick up the boys at Platt house. Before going to the Platt house they went to a store to get some things for the boys. They knocked at the door Mouch opened it all they could barely hear him over the laughing and giggling to the boys and Trudy. Spencer and Piper's someone is here to see you. The boys were excited to see Hailey. Spencer and Piper trust Hailey but they missed their father. Hailey knew that she had to tell them about their father's death. She needed to try to explain that was Spencer's mother and she wanted to take care of both of them. Trudy gave them big hugs she told by them to come by anything to play pirates. Hailey and Vanessa pack everyone into the car and they drove off. 
At Upton house
Vanessa in the kitchen with Piper cooking lunch or everyone. Spencer sat in the living room next to Hailey. She looked at him and said there is something very important I needed to tell. Same time she said Piper walked into the room she asks him to sit next to his brother. 
Hailey said, "Do know that your dad loves both of you so much. Your Dad is a police officer."
Spencer said, "Like you."
Hailey said, " Yes, someone police officers get hurt your daddy got hurt."
Spencer said, "Did you take him to the hospital to get better."
Hailey said, "No he was hurt so he went to sleep and we can't wake him up."
Spencer said, "Oh "
Hailey said, " Do you understand your daddy died he is sleeping forever."
Spencer said, "What's going to happen to me and Piper."
Hailey said, "Both will stay here with me and Vanessa." 
Spencer said, "Really."
Hailey said, "Spencer I'm also your mom."
Spencer smiles  and hugs Hailey then asks her "if she could be Piper's mom too."
Hailey said, "Yes I will be Piper's mom too." She stretches out her arm to hug both of them.
Vanessa comes into the room and tells everyone that lunch is ready. Everyone went into the kitchen and ate lunch. 
Two days passed by the boys felt at home Vanessa and Hailey created a little routine. Vanessa was excited to include in this little family the boys called Auntie Van. Everyone was adjusting to there new normal. Hailey decided to invited everyone from the intelligence unit and Trudy to meet the boys and hang out with the boys. Jay was the first to arrive he came with toys and drinks. Kevin and Adam came water guns for the boys. Kim bought books. Hank had stuffed animals then Trudy came with police officer costumes. The boys were excited to see everyone they all wanted to play. 
Hank approach Hailey they spoke privately outside. Hank told that Commissioner Fisher has decided to give Garrett a state funeral and they will retire his badge number. Hank told her regardless of everything he has gone to you he was a good cop. 

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