Back on the Case

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Two weeks passed had since Garrett's funeral. Hailey was really to get back to work. Spencer and Piper were excited to started school. When they lived with their father they didn't go to school. Hailey remembers the things she and the boys did while she was on leave. 
Every day the boys would wake up and go into Hailey's room jump into bed and have morning cuddle sessions. After that everyone would go downstairs the boys sit on the couch and watch morning cartoons while Hailey made breakfast. Vanessa would get up to get really for work. The boys were happy to see her. Vanessa would sit down and have breakfast with them then she would leave for work. The majority of days they would spend indoors playing and eating, but Jay would come by on his lunch break they would go to the park. 
Now everything was going to change.
Hailey got dressed for work, and she got the boy really for school. Hailey hired a nanny to pick up the boys from school and hang out with them until she got home. She drops them off and heads to the district. 
At the District
Everyone was excited to see Upton back. Ruzek told her came in time to work the new case.
Ruzek said, " This is Marcus Lamar was a basketball star who was gun down in logan park three block's from this home. Marcus Lamar is the brother of the New leader of Folk Nation Tay-John Lamar. Tay-John has not sent any messages or retaliation yet. My CI tells me that the streets are quiet."
Rojas said, "For Now."
Voight said, "We need to get ahead of this before bodies started dropping on the street. Ruzek and Burgess canvas the neighborhood. Rojas and Upton check with your CIs. Atwater and Halstead with me. We are going to visit Tay-John."

On the street
Voight, Atwater, and Halstead exited out of the vehicle and entered into a barbershop that was being heavily guarded. As they enter the shop the silence between the men inside. Someone stepped forward and said, " What can I do to help officers."
Voight turned to Halstead and Atwater and smile and said, "It's Sergeant Voight, there is nothing you can help me is Tay-John in back." Hank proceeded to the back where a group of men gathered around having a conversion. Hank said, " Meeting is over. Tay-John we need to talk." Tay-John nob and men got up left. Hank sat down.
Tay-John said, "Did you find the person who killed my little brother."
Voight said, " No we team is working it."
Tay-John said, " Today I buried my brother I want the killer found."
Voight said, " I want your brother's killer too. Tay-John we both want the same thing. I don't want bodies in the streets."
Tay-John said, "I can't stop men from release their emotion into the street because my brother had many friends that would kill for him."
Voight said, "I'm asking you to give my team more to solve this case. Keep the street violence to a minimum."
Tay-John said, "Voight your team has 24 hours after the street will find my brother killer."

 At the District 
Everyone was back at the district with intel Marcus'death. 
Rojas said, " My CI said that rumor has going humble park that Marcus Lamar was involved in a fight with a basketball player from Humble Park."
Ruzek said, "Humble park is the Latin Kings territory."
Atwater said, "What if Marcus got to fight someone who is affiliated. They got him killed."
Rojas said, "That would be created problems in the streets, this could cause a gang war."
Voight said, "We have the next 16 hours before the street of Chicago becomes a war zone. We need to find out who Marcus fought with and how it ties to his murder."
Upton and Halstead took a trip to Malcolm X Preparatory High School to speak Coach Hayes. 
Halstead said," A rag and riches Marcus Lamar went to the top private school in Chicago to play basketball."
Upton said to a boy I'm looking for Coach Hayes office.
Upton and Halstead walked into Coach Hayes' office. 
Upton said, " Can you tell us about Marcus Lamar."
Coach Hayes said, " Marcus was an excellent student he was on the dean's list every semester. He was also a gifted athlete, he got accepted to Duke University to play college basketball. He planned to major in engineer.
Halstead said, "Can tell you us about the fight Marcus at the game."
Coach Hayes said, "We play against Lincoln High School there was a kid who kept fouling and aggressively guarding Marcus. Marcus made a basket the kid push Marcus the fight ruptured."
Halstead said, "Do remember the player named."
Coach Hayes said, "Yes I got his information I was going to file a complaint on behave of Marcus. Jason Luis #6.
They follow up with lead looking for Jason Luis. This kid was hard to track since the fight he been to school. And Jason Luis lives in the heart of Humble Park. They lived his home he wasn't there. This sixteen old kid became a ghost. Disappearing somewhere in deep the Latin Kings gang. The team just wanted the kid to show before street justice kills an innocent kid. It was now 4:45 pm the team had 3 more hours to solved this case before Tay-John retaliates. It was an impossible case, to begin with, and that their lead suspect has gone underground created it's only problems for this case. Two hours passed, then suddenly Trudy comes up with a young man who said that he has information about Marcus' murder. 
Voight took him into the interrogation room. The kid spill every information that he had. The boy claim Jason Luis is his cousin and he left Chicago. Luis was angry about the fight with Marcus, Luis told Enrique Sandoval. Sandoval wants to be apart of Latin Kings killing Marcus would be his first kill, but Latin Kings will never allow Sandoval to join them if they knew that he killed Tay-John little brother. 
Voight said, "Where is Sandoval?"
The kid said, "He lives in Pink House close to Logan Park."
Voight leaves the interrogation room heads back to the team and tells them that we have a new lead we need to go grab him we only that an hour. The team head out everyone was dressed in the black with their vests on. They arrived at the Pink House, as they exited the vehicle they heard gunshots and screaming. They ran toward the noise there was a large crowd gathering. CPD!CPD! Lets us through! Back-Up! In the middle of the crowd was a kid he been shot in the head and the chest. Ruzek checked for a pulse there was nothing. Then he checked his pockets and found his ID it was Enrique Sandoval. The crowd disappeared just leaving the dead boy and suspicious onlooker. Atwater was walking up to onlooker the boy ran it was a short chase Atwater grab him and a gun fell out of their pocket. Atwater questions the boy he claims responsibly for the Sandoval shooting and he was arrested place in a squad car.
As everyone wrapping up the crime scene at the corner Voight saw Tay-John approach him. 
Tay-John said, "It seems like justice had served."
Voight said, "It seems so."

Everyone return to their homes. 
Upton and Rojas were meet by hugs and kisses from Spencer and Piper. The nanny left Upton began to get the boys really for bed then there was a knock on the door.  She opens it.
Good Evening I'm Christie Wilson from the Department of Child Services to speak to Detective Hailey Upton.... 

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