Lobo Jr.

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Then the glass suddenly shattered around them. Another car had plowed into them. The squad car that was supposed to escort the vehicle arrived on the scene. As the cops were called it in shots were fired. Over the radio to the 21 district 
21! patrol officer Jason lee shots fired by unmarked SUV requesting back up and help with the wreak. 
Meanwhile, upstairs the intelligence unit was tried to figure who is the leader in charge of the drugs coming to Mexico City. The phone began to ring then Platt came upstairs to tell them what was happening. 
The team immediately responded and left for the crime scene. Trudy stays back to take care of Spencer. 
Upton and Halstead were the first from the intelligence unit to arrive on the scene. There are several shell casing on the ground. Squad 3 from firehouse 51 was still on scene clearing the debris. Halstead went over to Severide to talk to him.
Halstead said, "What can you tell about wreak."
Severide said, "Squad 3 arrived on scene 20 minutes ago we were told by dispatch that it was an active scene with gunfire. When we arrived with ambo 61 there were several casualties on scene. We establish a perimeter other ambos were called to the scene. There were three victims inside the black car two boys and one adult male, in another car there was one victim the driver, he was killed in the accident."
Halstead said, "Wait there only two boys in the car."
Severide said," Yeah an 8-year-old and 11 years old boys they were rush to med."
Voight arrives on the scene, Halstead gives him the update.
Voight said, " We are working this case as murder and kidnapping. Just got off the phone with the doctors at med the Joseph Sheppard the caseworker died route to med the Jeffery and Caleb Jacob the other boys in the car are in critical condition. We have injured officers that saw the happened here. Ruzek and Atwater go to med get their statement. Rojas, you partnered with  Halstead. Burgess work on every camera, find that black SVU."
Upton said, " What about me you haven't given me an assignment."
Voight said, "You can't work this case, you are too close and  I can't have you on the street working this case."
Upton said,  " I will not be pushed aside, that mine kid out in the street. Hank, I need to work this case."
Voight said, " Fine! You stay at the district you will keep in the loop but Upton I will bench if you cross the line."
Back at the district 
The 21 district was busy after the call Platt had every cop canvassing the neighborhood to find information about the shooting and kidnapped. Platt also assigned an officer to protect Spencer. The intelligence unit returns to the district. 
Atwater said, "Officer Lee said that SVU parked on the street after the accident two men jump out one shot at the police while the other guy took the kid out of the car. They jump into the SUV, drove down Walbash then they disappeared."
Burgess said, "According to the cameras the SUV turn on Walbash then turn left when through Christopher Henry Tunnel but SUV didn't exit the tunnel."
Voight said, " Halstead and Rojas go to that tunnel and find that SUV."
Out on Walbash 
Halstead and Rojas arrived at the tunnel they proceed to drive when they saw the SUV. They got out of their vehicle with weapon drawn. Chicago PD Let me see your hands! Chicago PD Step out of the vehicle slowly with your hands up! Nothing they walk closer to the vehicle it was empty. Halstead calls it in, they proceed to search the vehicle it was clean. It was taken back to the district to sweep by the crime unit and techs. 
Burgess said, " The SUV team had other accomplices with a getaway car there no cameras in the tunnel but we can track the cars come in and out of the tunnel."
Ruzek said, " The sweep was complete they found prints, techs are running it through the database."
Atwater said, " Can you rewind the footage before the SUV enter the tunnel."
Ruzek said," Say Hi to Roberto Pena. He's been on the run from California police since 2017."
Voight said, "What's he running from."
Ruzek said, "Double Murder he robbery bank and killed the teller and security guard. He has ties to MZ street city in Mexico City."
Burgess said, "I got the footage. Sergeant, you need to see this. This is footage from 20 minutes before the SUV enters the tunnel. All these cars drive straight through except this Blue Sedan."
Voight said, " Did you run the plates."
Burgess said, "Yes, but Sergeant that's not what I wanted you to see. Five minutes later this person walks out the tunnel."
Upton said, "Son of Bitch...."


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