Help Me

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Shot fired! Shot fired! Everyone storm into the room Hailey was on the ground holding Garrett's head. Halstead runs over to her, she told him to need to keep the pressure on the wound. Halstead look at Garrett he checked for a pulse, there was nothing. Halstead told Upton to stop he is gone, he told her it's time to work the case. 
Voight enters the room and said "This case has turning into bloody bath bodies are falling all over Chicago. This is our only case, none is going home until we information about who killed this man." Voight approaches Upton and told the boys are still at the firehouse. Chief Boden said the boys are welcome to stay at 51. Trudy has a volunteer to take care of them, she will take them to her house squad car will guard the house. The boys will be protected. Upton agrees that Trudy should take them. 
Back to the case,
Upton said, " Does anyone where did the shot come from, who took the shot."
Ruzek said, " It seems like the shot came from the rooftop next door Atwater and I are going to check it out."
While Atwater and Ruzek left to check next door, everyone else searched Garrett's home. They were looking for some kind of clue that will crack the case wide open. Rojas, Burgess, and Upton took a room and searched it, box up anything that looked like pieces of evidence.
As everyone was searching the rooms, Upton came across a box of files. Each file had a day and serial number Hailey recognize the handwriting, it was Garrett's. A detailed log of every lieutenant and corner boy that had an affiliation with the MZ street gang or an association with Ron Booth. Hailey was astonished how evidence was here to implicate Booth. She packed up the box and took it to the team. 
Back at the District.
Everyone had finished their searches respectively, Upton came in the with Garrett's box. Upton shared out the files. She told them that Garrett was still working the case from five years ago. He had every phone conversion written down that he had with Booth and other members of the organization. He had pictures and directions to warehouses where the meth was being stored. Garrett wasn't a dirty cop. He did what was necessary. Ron Booth got Garrett killed. Booth is trying to cut off the loose ends. 
Ruzek said, "Damn with this body of evidence we can clean up the Mz street gang off the street." 
Voight said "I want a tactical team searches the warehouses. It seems we building more evidence against Booth. We going to cripple his organizations and gather enough evidence of charge him with the death of an undercover cop officer."
Everyone worked through the night, taking short naps in the break room. By the morning the intelligence unit had a mountain of evidence to bring new charges against Booth. With approximately 595 pounds of meth street value of $1.2 million seized of the warehouses through the city. Guns and money several men from MZ were arrested and sent to the district to be questioned. 
The team spent the majority of the morning in the interrogation room trying to figure who was hires to shot Garrett. Damian Christopher was the youngest arrested he was 15 years old boy, who was scared to do time in prison. Atwater was in the room with Damian. The boy could stop crying. Atwater said to him," The only way I can help you if you gave me something. What do you know about this man? As he put a picture of Garrett on the table."
Damian said, "I know him he is Lobo."
Atwater said, "Okay Lobo What's Lobo."
Damian said, " Lobo means wolf he is the lone wolf. He comes to check the shipment. He brings new lieutenants from Mexico city."
Atwater said, " Okay Lobo is dead he was shot in the chest. What do you know it young blood."
Damian said, "If I tell what I know, will you help me get a deal. 
Atwater said, "Tell what you know and I will see what I can do."
Damian said, "Lobo meet with Tomas Ruiz and Manny Simone they suppose to go to 143 McCall street. Lobo never showed Ruiz and Simone was ambushes in the street and they were killed. Rumors were going on that Lobo was working for the police, Luis Ruiz received a collect called from Penontville fro a man named Booth. This man gave Luis the address of Lobo home. Luis's job was to killed Lobo but cops surrounded the house, so he took the shot from the roof. Luis Ruiz and Tomas Ruiz are brothers and Manny Simone is his cousin. Everyone takes orders from Booth he brings the meth into the city. Do I get that deal?"
Atwater said," okay write all this down. Damian what's on 143 McCall street."
Damian said, "The factory it's fentanyl factory." 
Atwater exit the interrogation room had a small conference with Voight, Upton, and DA Woods to talk about Damian Christopher and Luis Ruiz's involvement with Garrett's murder and other damning information on Booth. DA Wood said to Atwater Damian Christopher will do 6 months for petty drug trafficking at a juvenile correction facility at Cook County. I would advise the kid to get out of Chicago after he is released. Atwater leaves and returns to the interrogation room to tell Damian. 
Upton and Voight discuss the case realize that Luis Ruiz was one of the men they arrested at the warehouse. Luis stonewall them earlier but he never asks for a lawyer. So they decided to take another crack at him. 
Upton sat down at the table while Voight stood in the corner of the room. Upton put her folder on the table, open it place pictures of Tomas and Simone dead bodies. Then she began to speak, "Luis crazy thing we do for the family. You got a call from Booth to tell that Lobo got your family killed. Booth gave an address where you could get Lobo. You went there but cops were there. So you went next door waited for an opportunity, then you shot him. But Booth set you up, Booth got your family killed then he got you to kill an undercover cop."
Luis said nothing he just wrote down his confession. 
Luis was immediately transported to Pentonville.
Hailey realizes this kind of evidence can get Booth killed....

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