It's an Adventure

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Then suddenly her door opens it was Spencer and Piper, Hailey was shocked to see the boys. She said, them "if the man was at door." Spencer smiles and said, "no he left." Hailey knew this was it the opportunity, so said Spencer "if he knew where his daddy kept the key for the car." The little was unsure if he could trust her but she told him that she was a police officer she wants to take him and his brother on an adventure, she assured that she wants to keep him safe. Spencer trusts her and was excited to go on an adventure with her. So he quickly and quietly left the room a few minutes passed then he returned with keys and gun. He told her that all the police have a gun. Hailey hugs Spencer she so proud of him. Hailey told the boys it was time to go on the adventure she told them that there is only one rule; you must stay close we need to stay together.
With the gun drawn Hailey opens the door with boys clings to her shirt, she walks down the hallway into the dining room the front door was close then, a man enters the dining room from the other side she aims the gun at him and shoots him, she picks up Piper and grabs Spencer hand and quickly got to the front door they exit and got into a car and drove off. Hailey realizes she was in a gated community, she able to find the front gate she drove straight through the security checkpoint. Looking through the rearview mirror she saw cars speed up following her. Hailey told Spencer to buckle up him and his brother. Cars were now in the open road, the chase began Hailey knew to not close to the District but the street name she somewhere on the North Side of  Chicago. She needed the attention of the cops, but no cops were in sight. She kept driving then suddenly her window broke she could hear gunshots. She told the boys to lay down because she feared that they would get hit by a bullet. Glass was shattered everywhere in the car Hailey sped up to get away finally she saw other cars she maneuvers through ongoing traffic. Honking her horn zooming by cops with two large SUV on her tail. Cops have now joined the pursuit. Hailey was now in a familiar neighbor but she wasn't close to the district. It was a hot pursuit the cops that were behind the SUV called it into the district "1536 Charlie, car chase between two black large SUV and black Mustang we gave license plate number for one of SUV AAG 777. In need of assistance approaching 1925 West Wolcott" 
Hailey needed away out as she was approaching familiar street she went through the gate straight the door she drove the Mustang into Firehouse51. SUVs didn't see the mustang drive into the firehouse, but shots were fired at the polices then road nails place to the road SUV's spun out crashed into each other some of the occupants were apprehended while others were transported to med.

Back at the District
With an influx of the bodies drop in the South Side of Chicago because of the MZ street gang fighting over turf and there uncertain within the gang of out really called the shots. While Hailey was missing things had changed in the street, Tomas Ruiz and Manny Simone was gun down in the streets after their meeting in the coffee shop. It seems like all the local corner boys were out on a rampage. Booth is cleaning the house. As the team was tried to find a timeline or correlation between Upton kidnapping and Ruiz and Simone, Platt comes upstairs with urgency to tell Voight that Hailey is on line 2 calling from Firehouse 51, also tell the team about the car chase. Voight got on the phone with Hailey she told that information about the heavy hitter, she told him that there was a lot more say but she couldn't talk over the phone. Voight got off the phone return to the team he told everyone to pack we are going to Firehouse 51. 

At the Firehouse 51
Upton and the boys were in the Boden office with the paramedics just to check in they had outstanding injures. Voight and the team enter 51 greet by Chief Boden, Captain Casey, Lieutenant Severide, your team can set up in the briefing room said, Boden.
Voight to Boden "where is she?"
Come with me, Boden lead Voight to his office where he saw Upton hold a child in her arms. Entering the office Hank saw another little boy, he signaled to Upton, she got up and gave Piper to the Foster the paramedic. Hailey told Voight that her ex-partner was alive and he was the one who took her. Then Upton told Hank about Spencer and he was her son that she had with Garrett and the other boy was Garrett's son too. 
Upton told about the mustang and how they could trace the address back to the gated community. She knew the mustang would lead to Garrett, but she also knew that Garrett was not going leave without a fight. She had to be there went took Garrett in.
Techs disable the GPS on the mustang and enable their computer was able to narrow down the location of the home. 
1208 North Maplewood Ave
The Intelligence Unit and Swat were at the location. The intelligence unit took the lead on this tactical operation everyone was suited up Halstead enter first then Upton was second followed by the rest of the team. Entering into the hallway dead bodies were on the floor then yelling and series gunfires, Hailey yell for Garrett. The door opens Hailey with her weapon drawn, she enters the room Garrett held a gun. Hailey pleaded with him to put the gun down. Minutes went by but it felt like hours Garrett seems like he was ready to surrender, then as he was about to give Hailey his gun, shot were fired......

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