You Promise

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Good Evening I'm Christie Wilson from the Department of Child Services to speak to Detective Hailey Upton. I am Hailey how can I help you.
The kids were upstairs with Rojas she was doing the bedtime routine baths then a story. 
Hailey invited Ms. Wilson she sat down.
Hailey said, " How can I help you."
Wilson said, "I'm here to follow up on an open case about the Garrett brothers."
Hailey said, "I didn't know there was case open here."
Wilson said, "On the boys' files there is no mother listed or other relatives."
Hailey said, "I know that, but I am Spencer biologically mother and Piper's mother died."
Wilson said, "As of now these the boys are wards of the State and according to procedure until paternity is proved and other relatives are found either in Chicago or Mexico City the boys will be removed from this home. Take me to the boys ."
Hailey said, "I can't let you do that."
Wilson said, "Detective Upton you have no authority there is a squad car in the in front of your home. Here is my paperwork, please don't make me file a report against you. Take me, to the kids."
Upton took Mrs. Wilson upstairs into the boys' room. Rojas was still upstairs with the boys. Everyone had on their pajamas. Upton turned to Ms. Wilson and said if she could give her tell the boys what was happening. Mrs. Wilson nob.
Hailey sat on the floor next to the boys, then she began to speak.
Hailey said, "Do you that I love both of you so much."
Piper nob
Spencer said, "Yes we know."
Hailey said, "For right now you and brother have to go somewhere else to live and I can't come with you."
Spencer said, "But I don't want to bring send away."
Hailey said, "This is Ms. Christie she going take you and brother to a new place to live."
Spencer said, "We like it here. You promise to keep us safe you promise we will stay here with you. I don't want to leave." As tears ran down his face.
Hailey said, "I'm sorry bud, but Ms. Christie will keep you safe too."
Hailey and Vanessa packed the boys a bag. I got them dressed. She wipes their tears away and gave them big tight hugs. And walked them into the squad car whispering to them I will come and get you. 
Emotions were running high Vanessa and Hailey sat at the kitchen drinking. Trying to come to terms with what just happened.
Hailey said, "What the Fuck is happening."
Vanessa said, "I don't know who should we called."
Hailey said, " It's late now we will have to wait until the morning."
The night was long Upton could sleep. She spent the night paced up and down her room. She finally went to bed.
The next day at the district.
Upton walks straight into Voight to tell him about the boys. Voight had Platt be apart of the conversion. 
Platt said to Voight and Upton, "After paternity proved you will be awarded custody of Spencer. Piper will be placed in the system, or send to back Mexico City he is a three boy who legally has no parents."
Upton said, "Can I petition for custody, he not my biologically son but he is apart of Spencer family. I want to fight for him."
Platt said, "Seems like are you to pay Ms. Wilson a visit."
At the Chicago Department of Child Services 
Sergeant Trudy Platt and Detective Hailey Upton here to see Christie Wilson. 
Platt said, "Ms. Wilson I understand you have a job to do what can Detective Upton do for her to be considered as guardian for the boys."
Wilson said, "As of now the boys are living in a group home. Spencer and Piper became aggressive but I'm taking into account that they both were just removed from your home. We are waiting for Spencer's paternity results then we will go from there."
Upton said, "What about Piper?"
Wilson said, "He will stay in the system."
That was a tough pill for everyone to swallow. Upton and Platt left the Ms.Wilson office and return to the district. There weren't any big cases for the intelligence unit to solve everyone was working their open cases. The shift when by so slow. It seems like Upton was frustrated with the system, throughout the rest of the shift spent it talking to lawyers that would fight Piper's case.  
Hours when by in the shift then suddenly Trudy comes upstairs hold Spencer hand with Ms. Wilson following behind them. 
Wilson said, "Congratulation! The results are in Spencer will be coming with you."
Upton said to Spencer, "Hi bud I miss you. Can you tell me hows, Piper?" 
Wilson said, "Has been placed in protective custody he will be move placed into a foster home."
Upton said, "Protective Custody? What happened to the group home."
Rojas said, "Hey Spencer gets to go into the back room and play.
Rojas leads Spencer away into the back so the adults can talk. 
Wilson said, "Some vandalism and some spraypainted words at the group home so we are removing all the boys at the home."
Halstead said," So what did they spraypainted."
Wilson said, "Someone spraypainted Lobo on the front door. It's a small incident but we want to keep the boys at this home safe."
Halstead said, "Are you sure Lobo."
Halstead called Voight out of his office to tell about the threat. 
Halstead said, "Where is Piper now?"
Wilson said, "He is being moved. What's happening."
Upton said, "You didn't read his file. Lobo is Piper and Spencer's father."
Halstead said, "We have reason to believe someone has threatened Piper.
Wilson said, "He is three."
Upton said, " Where is being moved to?"
Wilson said, "Piper and two other boys are going to 143 Mission Group Home tonight."
Voight said, "Let's have a squad car escort them there. We will work this case to find out who sents that threat.
Meanwhile on route to 143 Mission Group Home
Piper was in a black car with two boys and caseworker, the boys were strapped into there car seats. They were at least three blocks away waiting at the stoplight. When the glass suddenly shattered around them.  


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