1: Not A Typical Introduction

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A week before the accident
TK's point of view
"I'm just saying isn't it kind of odd working with my dad?" I asked as I sat across from Carlos. He just rolled his eyes as he continued eating. "No, I don't find it odd. It's interesting actually, I can get to know him without the awakwardness of him knowing." He said smiling at me as I sighed. "Well, on the bright side he likes you. He told me, which is very odd he has never liked anyone I dated. Maybe it's because he doesn't know, yet." I said shrugging as I played with the food left on my plate.

"TK, what's actually bothering you? You are being really quiet, and you have hardly ate anything." Carlos said as he set down his fork, and waited for an answer. "I'm just thinking about my dad. I mean do you want him to know? It's just it's a huge step, and we don't even know what we are. I get it if you're mad about my dad not knowing, but it's just a huge step. I..." I started rambling, and thankfully he interrupted me. "Hey, Ty it's fine. I'm not mad, like I said your pace. We go with what you are comfortable doing, sure I want him to know only when you're ready. I'm not going to push you, I want you to be comfortable with everything we do." He said smiling over at me, as he grabbed my hand.

"Thank you, but are you sure? I don't want you to, I don't know get mad thinking I'm trying to hide you from everyone." I said clearly stressing this more than I should be. "I'm sure, and besides that just means I get you all to myself for now."  He said, before bitting his lip. "Now, you're starting something you can't finish till dinner is all cleaned up." I half whined, it came out more whiny than I had wanted it too. "The dishes can wait, you know if you want to?" He said as he finally stood up, and pushed in his chair. "Um, I don't know. Let me think about it, hot cop giving me a mind melting orgasm or doing the dishes." I said, before smiling up at him as he now stood beside me. "Sorry, but these dishes are gonna have to wait their turn for you." I said, before leaning up and pulling him in.

At the Hospital
Carlos' point of view
"I'm gonna go down to the cafeteria, to get some coffee. Officer Reyes would you like a coffee or something?" I heard the Captain Strand say as I finally looked up at him. I'm not going to lie it's a bit awkward sitting here with his dad, but I can't imagine being anywhere else. "Um, no thank you sir. It's just Carlos, and thank you for letting me see him." I said as I glanced back at TK still completely motionless in the hospital bed. "It's no problem at all, and Owen works just fine. I'm assuming we are going to be around each other a bit for the next few days, so sir isn't necessary." I nodded my head, as he patted my shoulder, before turning and heading out of the quiet hospital room.

I leaned back in the uncomfortable chair as I still held TK's hand, glad that bit of awkwardness was gone between Owen and I. "Ty I know this probably wasn't how you wanted to introduce your father and I, but I guess it was bound to happen. I don't know exactly what I'm being introduced as, since we still don't know exactly what we are. I know what I want, but you I have no clue. I want an actual relationship one where I can spend early mornings dreading untangling myself from your arms. I want one where I can spend more time with you, and we can go out without it having to be a huge secret from your friends. I guess I'm really just saying I want a real relationship with you, where I can show you how much I care about you. I know..." I sighed as I leaned forward, and ran my free hand through his hair. "I know we haven't know each other a long time, but I want to give this a try. I want all the ridiculous baggage you always say you carry, I want to help you with that. First I'm going to need you to open those perfect emerald eyes, and get to a point where you can feel comfortable with that." I said as I lifted his knuckles to gently kiss the back of them. "Well, I'll be here when that does happen." I whispered as I finally relaxed back into the chair.

"Here, kid I brought you one anyways. So, should we address the elephant in the room?" Owen said as he handed me a coffee along with a few packets of sugar, and creamer. "Thank you, and the elephant in the room?" I said as he walked over to the chair on the other side of TK's bed, before sitting down. "Yeah, I mean you two. The cat's out of the bag at this point, might as well just get the awkwardness out of the way." He said laughing a bit, as he made large hand gestures. "Is it that obvious?" I asked as I sips on my coffee, that I hadn't noticed I needed till that first sip. "Oh yeah, I mean you look just as torn up as I did when you showed up." He said laughing a bit by my initial reaction. "Yeah, I guess I did. Well, we have been out on a few dates. Had dinner together a few times, nothing major." I said as I gently rubbed the back of TK's hand. "Okay, and that's pretty major for TK." He said glancing down at the sleeping boy.

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