Chapter Two

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This chapter contains a trigger warning. Racist hate speech.

Two Weeks Later

"How was your date? Was he sweet? Did he compliment your look? Was he a gentleman?" Clover bombarded Dahlia with questions the moment she walked in from her date with Walker.

Although this was their third date since the party, Clover had to always make sure Walker wasn't slipping up. She wanted the best for her little sister.

"It was like a dream! He took me on a picnic!" Dahlia paused as a dreamy look displayed on her face. "Oh, Clover! He's like a gift, thank you for helping us that night. I-i had always thought that he only saw me as a little girl or something, but he doesn't. He sees me as I am, and while He's still a man of few words, the words he says are so meaningful." Jumping on the couch, Dahlia squealed in a pillow.

"Clover, he told me that I'm like the moon to him and that his world wasn't very bright before me. That I bring light and beauty to his world. J-just like the moon does for the night sky!" Dahlia's joy gave Clover hope and it made her happy for her little sister. Dahlia's luck with guys was always bad, but now she has her very own love, and Clover couldn't be happier.

Dahlia's head ended up in Clover's lap as she continued to tell the story of her lovely night. Clover's fingers caressed Dahlia's hair as she giggled and blushed.

"So you really like him?" Clover already knew the answer, but there was something infectious about Dahlia's joy as she spoke about Walker.

Dahlia nodded, her head going like a bobblehead. "I truly do. He makes every crappy guy I've ever been with and every horrible experience worth it. I-if I had to do it all over again, just to end up with Walker. I'd do it in a heartbeat." Dahlia's expression was torn as she thought of the trouble she went through, all the heartbreak and pain.

Clover continued caressing her hair, she knew that Dahlia was feeling melancholic. "I was just thinking about how happy I am for you. How you finally have someone worthwhile. Someone who'll treasure you." Dahlia's eyes filled with tears at her sister's words.

"I-i don't want to think about it, but it's too hard not to. While I'm grateful to God for Walker, I'm scared that he'll turn out to be like Griffin." Just saying his name made Dahlia sob.

Griffin Parkington was Dahlia's last boyfriend. He scarred her enough to make her shy away from dating and love completely until Walker came into her life.

⚠️⚠️trigger warning⚠️⚠️

"I don't actually love you. And before you assume that I was paid or that it was a bet, I'll reassure you. I did it out of boredom, dear. You needed to be knocked down a few notches, and well, it just seemed like the right thing for me to do." Griffin's eyes twinkled with an evil look.

Dahlia shook her head, she didn't want to believe what he was saying, but with one look into his eyes, and she knew. "W-what did I ever do to you?" Tears were pouring from Dahlia's eyes, and all she wanted was to go home.

Griffin smiled and shrugged. "You were always walking around with your pretty little head in the clouds. As I said, you needed to be knocked down, and I was bored. I will admit, you can kiss. I'll give you that much."

"This is something that even your parent's money can't even fix. You could get therapy, but you'll never be able to forget me." Griffin pouted and propped his legs up on the table. "I think I should be the one getting therapy if it's anyone. Not only did I have to deal with your stupidity, but I also had to deal with your n*gger antics. It was hard dating Aunt Jemima, and some people can't recover from things as scarring as that."

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