Chapter Eighteen

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Two weeks later

"Darlin, I have a meetin at 8:30, I don't mean to rush you but we have to leave now or I'll be late," Kane said to Clover as she fastened her belt.

Clover wanted to get out of the house today, and Kane had a place set up for her at the office for her to use anytime, so today was the day. But since becoming pregnant, Clover's morning routine took longer than before.

Clover grimaced as she placed the finishing touches on her look. "I'm sorry, Kane! I wasn't looking at the time, we can go now," Clover didn't like making Kane wait for her, but he never seemed to mind.

Kane noticed the guilty look on Clover's face and he kissed her lips. "All is well, darlin. Let's head out,"

The couple made it to DuPont Merchandising with ten minutes to spare.

"Mornin, Phila," Kane said as Clover said, "Good morning, Phila! You look lovely,"

Phila smiled at the couple as they walked hand in hand to Kane's office.

"Good morning both of you, Kane, I placed your schedule on your desk and it's also in your email and on your computer's planner," Phila said with a smile. "And Clover, you're glowing hon," She said with a knowing look.

Kane loved having Phila as an assistant. She always went above and beyond his expectations.

Clover smiled and winked at Phila, Kane mentioned to Phila that Clover was pregnant and this was the first time Phila had seen Clover since finding out.

"Thank you so much, I'll call you if I need anything,"

Clover waved at Phila as they made their way into Kane's office.

"Alright! What's on your agenda? I hope I won't be too bored," Clover said as she relaxed on the couch.

Kane sat next to her and placed her legs on his lap. "You're so beautiful," He said as he brushed a strand of her curly hair away from her face. "How're my babies doin?" Kane asked as he rubbed Clover's small unnoticeable baby bump with joy.

Clover smiled and fluttered her lashes. "Thank you, bumpkin! And we're doing just fine, thank you very much!" Clover said and remembered her initial question. "But seriously, what are you doing today?"

Kane shrugged his shoulders and looked at his schedule. "I have two meetin's, one with an investor, and the other with a company I'm lookin to invest in,"

Clover nodded and began to prepare herself for the possible boredom that their day had to come for her. "Okay! If you don't mind, I'll be in my office designing a few new pieces,"

Kane nodded, pressed a kiss on her lips, and let her up.

"Alright, baby girl. My last meetin is for lunch, I need your opinion on the company, will you join me in the conference room?" Kane asked with hopeful eyes. He never wanted to force Clover to do anything, but he did want her to be a part of his decision.

Clover nodded and walked toward the door. "Of course! Just make sure to let me know ten minutes beforehand,"

Kane stood and met Clover at the door. "Will do, I love you, baby girl,"

Clover couldn't help but blush. She still wasn't used to him saying that, but she loved him too. "I love you too, now get to work. Your meeting is in a minute,"

As Clover walked out of Kane's office, she realized that she had no clue where her office was. So she asked Phila.

"Hey, Phila! I need your help finding my office," She said sheepishly.

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