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Two years later

"Just don't give birth at my wedding and we're all good! I can't have your baby steal my shine, I mean I waited two years to get married and your baby could come and just steal my thunder!" Dahlia insisted while the makeup artists did the finishing touches on her makeup.

Instead of getting married instantly after getting engaged, Walker and Dahlia decided that it would be best to get married after Dahlia graduated from college and found a job. So now, two years later Walker now ran his own bodyguard agency, and Dahlia worked at the company she interned at after graduating.

Everything was finally perfect for them to marry, but with Clover as the heavily pregnant Matron of Honor, things didn't seem too perfect.

"Baby DuPont isn't due until August, you're all good!" Clover answered while eating a bag of chips. She knew that Dahlia wouldn't notice that August was only a couple of weeks away, so she was safe.

Dahlia huffed and sent a message to Walker, telling him that he's cute and that Baby DuPont can't ruin their wedding.

"Okay, I'm happy now! I look so beautiful, I looked beautiful before you started my makeup, Donna, no offense, but I didn't even need makeup!" She complimented herself and twirled her chair.

Donna stopped the chair from moving and laughed. "Keep still, and yeah I get it."

"Girls, hurry along! It's almost time for the wedding to start," Greta said peeping her head into the room.

"Yes, mom!" Clover answered and the door shut.

Dahlia, who was twirling her hair again, ignored her mother, puckered her lips, and started to sing just to hear the weird sound of her voice while spinning.

"Dahlia, keep still," Donna hissed. She didn't want Greta yelling at her for making her daughter late.

Dahlia looked at Clover who gave her a pointed look. "You can't keep moving, Walker is going to think that you ran away if you're late," She pointed out.

Dahlia sighed and stopped her spinning. "Okay, finish so I can go get married," She said with a defeated tone.

"Mommy!" Hadassah yelled as she walked through the door with Nelly following her.

Clover put her chips down and opened her arms for her sweet baby girl to walk in. "Oh my, don't you look lovely," She complimented her daughter, who was also the flower girl for the wedding.

Hadassah smiled shyly and kissed her mommy's cheek. "Mommy is lubbly too!" She squealed with joy as Clover tickled her.

Nelly looked away from the mother and daughter and saw Dahlia. "Oh, wow. You look so beautiful and grown-up," She commented with a graceful smile.

Dahlia winked and smiled back. "Thanks! But, even without all this makeup, I still look beautiful!" She replied and kept still for Donna.

"That's true, hon! I know that Greta came in here to let you both know that it's time," She explained, which made Dahlia shake her head.

"No! She told us that it's almost time, I think that Donna's done with me, so I'll just get my veil on and I'll be ready for Walker! He's gonna think that I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever married. Though I'm the only woman he's ever married, but it doesn't matter. I'm getting married and then I'm going on a honeymoon! We're going to Sydney! That's where he's from, you know I always wondered why he had a strange accent, but I guess that's why! His is different from Kane's, Kane's is more drawn out and weird, Walker's is a little lazy sounding,"

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