Chapter Twenty

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"I can't believe you have a shop, you're so lucky," Dahlia said as she gazed at the store with wide eyes.

Clover, who was watching her sister while holding her belly, smiled and raised her hands. "I know, it's just sometimes I feel like he does everything for me, and I just do nothing for him," She admitted.

Dahlia gasped and lightly tapped Clover's head. "You're being stupid!" She said outrageously. Clover was the best person Dahlia knew. "You're so sweet and giving, didn't you say that you always bring him lunch?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

Clover thought for a minute and then responded. "Thanks, but I still feel like I could do more," In her opinion, she could be doing more, only she didn't know what that was.

"Clover," Dahlia called out softly. She wanted to kick Clover until she realized what a fantastic wife she was to Kane, but sometimes hitting people didn't work.

"I learned that when you're in love, you both bring different things to the table since you're two people with different experiences and lives. So, the way you show love to Kane may not be the same way he shows it to you, and it's okay." She explained with a firm, yet loving look.

Clover's eyes clouded with tears and she hugged her sister. "Goodness," She whispered as tears fell from her eyes. "When did my baby sister get so wise?" She asked while shaking her head.

Dahlia just shrugged and hugged her sister back. "I don't know, I've been hanging around Walker a lot and when he talks he says wise stuff, so maybe that's where I got it from," She said while shrugging her shoulders.

Clover laughed in response and let Dahlia go. "I'm sorry for getting so emotional on you, this baby is making me act crazy," She admitted and then tapped her forehead. "Oh! I just remembered I'm supposed to invite you over for Thanksgiving! Will you and Walker join us please?"

"It's fine, and of course we'll join you! Now can we go get some lunch? I'm a growing girl!" Dahlia whined and pulled Clover to the door.


"How was your day with Dahlia?" Kane asked as Clover got comfortable in their bed. She had just taken a once long bath and now they were relaxing.

Clover turned over and groaned at the boulder on her stomach that made laying on her stomach hard. "It was fun! She and Walker will be joining us on Thanksgiving," 

"That's nice, my parents are goin away for Thanksgivin, but they send their love." He explained as Clover ran her fingers through his hair.

She smiled and turned on the tv. "Oh, okay! I can't wait to go shopping for presents!" She squealed excitedly as she thought of her favorite holiday of them all, Christmas.

"We have to get through this Thursday first and then we can start thinking about Christmas," Kane responded and turned off his lamp. It was a long day at the office but he gave everyone off for the day before and the weekend of Thanksgiving, it was a much-needed and appreciated vacation.

With the tv playing and Kane's light snores, Clover was lulled to sleep. There were lots to do in the morning, but Kane was there to help. But, with Clover being five months pregnant, it seemed like Kane would be the one doing all the cooking, and he didn't mind one bit.

One month later

"Thanks for meeting me," Walker said as Clover sat in the chair.

She smiled and waved her hand. "No problem, what's up?"

Walker sat up for a moment and pulled something from his pocket. "Woah," Clover gasped at the small box in his hand. "You want to marry her?"

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