Chapter Ten

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Three days later

"Come on, darlin, we need to get to the airport. I don't mean to rush ya, but we're goin to be late." Kane said to Clover as she searched in her closet.

Clover sighed and gave up. She couldn't find her favorite dress, she wanted to wear it to Las Vegas, but it disappeared. "I-i'm sorry, Kane. I just can't find my dress! I wanted to wear it to the strip, but it's gone!" Clover's voice was filled with sadness. She loved that dress, and she couldn't remember where she got it from. And she would just make one just like it, but she had no time.

Kane's heart broke for his wife. She sounded so upset, and he hated it when she was upset. "Oh, darlin, I'll help you look." Kane walked to Clover's closet and found her sitting with a frown on her beautiful face. He sat next to her and kissed her cheek.

She looked so lovely even with a frown. "Don't look so sad, baby girl. If we can't find it I'll buy you one just like it, would you like that?" Kane asked. He had to have a backup plan if they couldn't find the dress.

Clover shrugged and planted her face in Kane's chest. "It's hopeless, I keep my closet organized, this shouldn't be happening. And I don't even remember where I got it from! W-we should just leave, I don't want to miss the flight," Clover was so despondent and Kane hated it. He wanted her to be peppy and cute, not sad.

"Forget the flight, we'll take a jet. What's important is finding your dress so that you can be happy, now what does it look like?" Kane wanted to put a smile back on his lovely's face.

Clover removed her head from Kane's chest and showed him a picture of her in it. "This is it, I know it's in here somewhere! I just reorganized all of my stuff and put them in a color-coded alphabetical order," Kane eyed the picture and he almost smiled at how beautiful she looked in the dress, but he knew that it wasn't the time to be gazing at his wife's beauty. It was time to find the dress to make her happy.

The couple began searching for the dress, but after thirty minutes of looking, they came up with nothing.

"Darlin, don't look like that, it's okay. When we get to Vegas, I'll take you to a boutique and you'll get whatever you like," Kane wanted Clover to smile, but she was sad.

Clover sighed and offered Kane a smile, the best she could give him. "Okay, I'd like that. Thanks for helping me look," Clover was sad, but she liked that Kane was trying to help.

"Anything for my darlin, and if you're ready we can go now," Clover nodded and the couple left for the airport.


"I'll be back on Monday, you both have a safe trip." Kane's pilot, Frederick said with a smile.

Clover felt that his smile was contagious, so she smiled back and so did Kane. "Thanks, Frederick. We'll see you,"

The couple exited the plane and Kane put their bags in the SUV and opened Clover's door. "Thanks, Kane!" Clover said once Kane got in the car.

Kane winked at Clover and caressed her hand. "Not a problem, darlin. We'll go to the boutique before we get to the hotel," Clover nodded and they made their way to the center of Vegas.

Clover's eyes lit up and her mouth was wide open at the sights. "Wow, this is amazing, Kane! Look! It's a fake Michael Jackson, he looks weird!" Kane chuckled at Clover's excitement, and he was glad that she wasn't upset anymore.

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