Chapter Four

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One month later

"So, how's life as a married woman, Mrs. DuPont?" Dahlia asked in a serious tone, but her facial expression showed her joy.

Clover couldn't hide her smile, she was actually enjoying her marriage. Kane was a gentleman, and he was actively pursuing her, living up to his words from their honeymoon.

"Ohh, look at you! I've never seen you this happy before, Clove!" Dahlia loved seeing her sister so happy, it made her happy as well.

Clover smiled and winked at her sister, she was overjoyed. "You got me there, Dahlia. To answer your question, it's surprisingly nice. I never expected my groom to be so open and eager to actually know me, but Kane just surpasses all expectations that I had when I agreed to this arrangement."

Dahlia smiled widely, she was glad that Clover wasn't stuck with a weird slimy man. "That's something, wow. I'm happy for you! Tell me about him, I mean I saw him at the wedding, and wow! He's a handsome man, you scored big time with him," Clover laughed at Dahlia's excitement.

"He's handsome, just as we noticed. But he's also selfless, kind, gentle and he's bold as all get out! That man told me straight up that he wanted to date me! He didn't beat around the bush and drop hints, no! He picked up the bush and threw it at me," Clover was still kind of shocked by Kane's openness.

Dahlia admired Kane for that trait. Most men would say that they wanted things in life, but they never went after it. "Makes me happy, no more pansy-like men, but we both have men that get to the point," Dahlia sighed as she thought of her sweet Walker.

He was the greatest guy she'd ever met, and all thanks to Clover they were dating. Sure, he needed a little push, as he didn't want to overstep any boundaries, but when he found there were no boundaries against them dating, he went after her.

"Darlin, I'm home!" Kane's voice rang through the house as he walked in. Dahlia gave Clover a look and then winked. "I'll go finish my homework, you go greet your husband," And with a wave, Dahlia was gone.

Clover stood and looked in the mirror before she went to greet Kane. Giving herself a once over, Clover nodded and began walking out of her bedroom, but before she knew it, she was bumping into Kane.

"Whoops! Sorry, Kane," Clover said sheepishly as she pulled some hair behind her ear.

"Not a problem, darlin. What's got you in such a fluster?" Kane's question made Clover grimace, she wouldn't lie to him though.

Clover looked up and motioned to her body. "I was in the mirror trying to look presentable, I didn't want to look like I've been sitting behind a sewing machine all day,"

Kane looked at Clover in unbelief, he honestly didn't care if she looked like she sat behind a sewing machine all day, she was beautiful no matter what to him.

Being sure to hide the gift he had for Clover behind his back, Kane gave Clover a hug with his left hand behind his back and a kiss on her cheek. "Nonsense, my Clover Blossom, you always look beautiful." Clover blushed and hugged Kane back.

Releasing Clover from the hug, Kane instead held her hand and led her to the couch. Once they were seated, he handed Clover her gift.

Clover gasped and a smile overtook her beautiful face. "Kane, why'd you get me a present?" She was confused but grateful. Clover was taught to never turn down kindness.

Kane wrapped his muscular arm around Clover's soft dainty shoulder and smiled. "Because you deserve it, and when I saw it, I knew that you were meant to have it." Clover leaned into Kane's arms and she began to blush, something that she did quite often when it came to Kane.

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