Chapter Nine

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One week later

Things were going well for Kane and Clover since their date at I Sodi, Clover wasn't holding back how she felt about Kane which was great for him.

Today Kane was back at DuPont Merchandising, while he missed Clover, he knew that work had to be done.

Clover, however, was at home in her studio trying to finish her gown. She was stuck though, and while she had no inspiration to finish the dress, she still tried anyway, and things weren't going well.

"Ugh! I hate this!" She yelled in frustration as her mind drew a blank.

Clover faceplanted in her fabric pile and screamed. She hated getting stuck with her designs, oftentimes she'd be stuck because of a lack of sleep, but she was well-rested today and she ate a good breakfast as well.

"You know what, I'll just come back to this another day! It's not like my boss will be upset with me unless I get upset with myself for not completing this." Clover said to herself as she lifted her head from the fabric.

"Ugh, now this stupidity has me talking to myself! I have to get out of here," She said with her face scrunched up.

In a swift motion, the fabric was on the floor and Clover was pinning up her unfinished gown. Looking back at the mess she made, Clover sighed.

"I guess I'll pick this up before I leave. But where will I go?" She asked herself, as she picked up the fabric and put it in its respectful place.

Once the mess was cleared and her dress was mess-free, Clover went to the kitchen to get a snack and to think about her destination.

"Hmm," Clover said as she finished her cheese and crackers. "Where will I go? Whe-I got it! I'll go see Kane!" Clover went to her studio to grab her phone and her car keys and she was out of the door and onward to Kane's office.


"Hi! I'm here to see Kane, I'm Clover Ph-DuPont, his wife." Clover giggled to herself at the last name slip-up. She wasn't used to being Clover DuPont.

The secretary smiled at Clover and searched his computer. As Clover waited, she searched for his nameplate, but she was disappointed to see that he didn't have one.

"Mrs. DuPont, you can go on up. His office is on the 46th floor. I'll let his assistant, Phila know that you're coming up,"

Clover smiled. "Thanks so much! Um, what's your name though?"

Lance smiled at Clover and he felt special. "Lance Taylor, you know you're really nice, Mrs. DuPont. But, I wouldn't expect Mr. DuPont to marry someone mean,"

"Aww, thanks, Lance! I'll let you get back to work though, I wouldn't want to keep you away from your work!" Clover waved goodbye to Lance and walked to the elevator.

"Doo, doo, doo, da, da, da, la, la, la, la!" Clover sang to herself as the elevator took her up 45 floors.

It didn't take too long for the elevator to stop, and Clover was looking around the floor in awe. It was much nicer than her father's office, it had a more modern edge to it, but it also had a homey feel to it.

She liked it.

"Hi, sweetheart, you look lost," A lady's voice came from beside Clover, which made her jump. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! My name's Phila," The lady stood from her desk and placed her hand on Clover's shoulder.

Once Phila got a look at her, she realized that she was Kane's wife, Clover. "Oh, honey! It's so nice to meet you, you've got Kane talking about you non-stop and he's got a good reason for doing so."

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