Chapter Eight

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Three weeks later

Clover was in her design studio working away at her newest design, it was an evening gown. She wanted it to have a Scarlett O'Hara feel to it, but she also wanted it to work in modern times as well.

She had just gotten off the phone with Kane. He told her that he'd be home a little earlier than usual and that he wanted to take her somewhere special.

So now, she was trying to finish what she could before four PM, Kane would be home thirty minutes later, and he said that they were leaving at six, so she had to make sure she didn't make them late.

"Ugh, why won't you work?" She asked the sewing machine with frustration. The needle was getting slower as she worked, it was mostly because of the age of the machine, but Clover decided that she was going to use her first machine until it broke, which didn't seem too far from now.

An hour passed and the machine was on its last legs. During the hour that she worked on her dress, the sewing machine started making strange noises, and now it was becoming unbearable.

"I guess I'll be ordering a new machine," She said to herself as the machine stopped completely. She took it as a sign that it was time for her to stop sewing and start getting dressed.

Lifting the half-finished gown, a smile grew on her face. This was her first time trying to make something like that, and it was going well.

"You can call me Mrs. Butler from now on," She said as she held the dress up to her body and twirled around the room.

Kane watched Clover twirl while holding the dress, she looked full of life, he couldn't wait to take her out, but first, he had to make his presence known.

"I'd rather call ya, Mrs. Kane DuPont," Clover's heart dropped and she almost dropped her dress.

With her hand on her heart, Clover placed her dress on the table and hit Kane. "Y-you need to stop doing things like that! You scared me!" She said all while yelling.

Kane opened his arms and Clover walked into them. "I'm sorry, darlin. If it'll make things better, I'll call ya Mrs. Butler,"

Clover shook her head that rested on Kane's chest. "Apology accepted, and no, I was only saying that because my dress is inspired by Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With The Wind,"

Kane chuckled at his wife, of course, she liked that movie. "Darlin, you're too cute. My dad saw that when it came out, and that's one of my ma's favorite movies,"

Clover's eyes grew wide. She didn't know that Mr. Michael was that old. "I see that look, my dad was born in 30, the movie came out in 40. He's been round for a while, and I'm hopin he's round much longer,"

Clover wrapped her arms around Kane and squeezed him for comfort's sake. She hated it when he was sad, it made her sad too. "It's okay, he wouldn't leave you or your mom. He loves you guys too much for that,"

Kane pressed a kiss on Clover's forehead and let her go. "Thanks, darlin. But I do believe that it's time for you to start gettin ready, I'll pick up in here for you while you're dressin,"

Clover gave Kane a grateful smile and went to get ready.


It was ten minutes to six and Kane was showered and ready. He was waiting at the bar in the kitchen for his pretty Clover.

He didn't mind that Clover always took a long time to get dressed, he didn't mind anything that she did.

As he waited, he decided to play thumb war with himself. It was weird, but he found it fun and a way to entertain himself when he was bored.

His Serendipity[BWWM]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن