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"Yi.. Yi.. Yibo!! What's wrong with your face?!!", Zhan enquired with shock clear in his voice.

"Um.. what happened exactly?", Yibo asked back in confusion.

"Uh.. did you get beaten up?? What did you do again? And who even dared to hit you.. huh??", Zhan rose to his feet as he approached his bag and took out the small first aid kit.

Yibo thought he could get caught so he retorted at once, "Nothing really.. why are you asking??"

Zhan only sighed and pulled Yibo towards the bed by holding his wrist, making the latter flinch at the contact of skin. Zhan made his Bestu sit on the edge of the bed and he sat by his side. Taking out a cotton swab and pouring medicine onto it, he pressed the thing at the corner of Yibo's lips making the other hiss in pain.

"You know right.. that you can't lie to me?", Zhan said as he dabbed the medicine on the bruise.

Yibo nodded with his pursed lips.

Zhan shook his head and smiled at the scene and then focused on what he was doing.

Yibo till now averted his eyes from the guy beside.. still afraid of being scolded by his best friend. But he can't deny that his heart fluttered when Zhan held him and rebuked him for not taking care of himself, everytime his Bestu took care of him he would feel a strange warmth inside him. He could only stare at Zhan and take in most of the moment that they were sharing now.

Maybe that's what happens when you're in love..

Thought Yibo with a smile plastered on his face.

"Seems like you like being beaten up..", Zhan chuckled.

"Huh..why?", Yibo furrowed his eyes in further confusion.

"Cause you are smiling like an idiot..", he answered.

Yibo immediately looked away in embarrassment.

God! Zhan even noticed my smile!!

Yibo still tried to calm down when he heard Zhan calling him.



"Who hit you?", Zhan asked calmly.

Sensing the tension in the other's voice, Yibo tried to lighten the mood. He carefully looked at Zhan's downcast eyes and flicked his forehead.. making the guy look at him and replied.

"No one.. were you worried somehow?"

"Yes.. then.. where did you get this bruise from?", Zhan confessed and asked at the same time.

"Uh.. uh.. nowhere.. actually.. while I was returning I was busy playing games in my phone.. so I didn't notice the sleeping cat on my way.. and thus tripped on it and fell straight on my face! Thankfully.. the cat just meowed at me angrily and ran away.. and did not bite me.. hehe..", Yibo made up.

"Bo.. you're still lying, aren't you?", Xiao Zhan asked not being satisfied with Yibo's reply.

"Aye.. now you don't even trust me huh??"

"No.. I didn't mean that. However.. let it go. And be careful next time.", Zhan said and smiled.

"Yeah.. that's like the Zhan I know!!", Yibo exclaimed.

Zhan shook his head and smiled sheepishly at the comment.

"Umm.. Bo, why don't you take a shower and rest a bit.. so that later we can go to the beach, have lunch and watch the sunset? There's yet a few hours to go before the evening falls.. uh.. about three hours more.. what do you think??" Zhan asked hesitantly, worried if his Bestu would ask him to call off the plan for his tiredness.

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