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"LuJie.. you need to help me..", Zhan whined.

"What is it Zhan?"

"Um.. its.. its.."

Zhan really wanted to ask Xuan Lu for help but he couldn't really bring himself to that point. Although they were quite close.. Zhan felt a bit embarrassed to talk about it. So he made up.

"Its.. its about a girl!"

Xuan Lu suddenly beamed at the response and smiled sweetly at Zhan as she asked.

"Someone you like ?"

"Aan?? A girl?! Since when have you started befriending girls?! You're always moving about your Yibo.. as if he's the only one you can see.. huh.", Zhuo Cheng interrupted.

Zhan blushed due to Cheng's words but managed to conceal it and fought back.

"Why are you always so cocky.. can't you just shut up!"

"You! You pig!", Cheng retorted.

"You dog!"

"You cow!"

"You donkey!"

"You rat!"


And the bickering continued. Lu who was watching them, rolled her eyes in irritation and slammed her hands on the bench they were sitting on, making the two guys shut their mouths.

"Can't you.. both of you chill a bit? Why are you always quarrelling? You guys diverted the whole topic!", She raised her voice a bit at the end, which made the younger guys look at her with puppy eyes.

(A/N : I meant like this –› 🥺)

"Now don't look at me like that.. Fine. I won't scold you anymore.."

She sighed deeply making her brothers chuckle because she is always weak when it comes to their baby face.

"Okay.. so which girl were you speaking of Zhan? And since when do you like her?"

"No.. no.. JieJie.. I don't like her.. she.. she's an online friend. Hm.. online friend!"

"Online friend ??"

"Yes! She asked for help from me.. but.. since I don't know anything about it, I thought I should ask you for suggestion instead."

"Ohh.. what help does she need?"

"She.. she.. is confused about her feelings. She said.. she actually.. she had a few intimate moments with her best friend when her friend was drunk.. and he also confessed.. her friend.."

"Ok.. so what is it?"

"Yeah.. so the next day.. that guy denied it.. but she knows her friend loves her.. that's what her other trustworthy friends confirmed. Now she has been feeling a lot of things but doesn't know what to do.."

"Ok.. what is she feeling??"

"She is.. she.. she feels nauseous everytime the guy is dangerously close to me..uhm! Her.. close to her. Uhm. Her heart flutters at his thought. She doesn't really wanna let go of him. And well.. she always feels uncomfortable.. whenever her friend is closer to others. She feels like.. jealous.. maybe? And.. she.. she wishes to protect him and also get protected by him. She really cares for him a lot.."

"You seem to know how she feels very vividly.. however has she been feeling this.. before their intimate encounter.. or after it? And.. does she believe her friend loves her?"

Does it really matter.. when the feelings started?

Zhan thought but replied anyway.

"Uh.. ha.. she told me.. the feelings were there all along.. she just seems to notice it recently. And.. yes! I.. she belives it!"

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