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The morning was bright and so was Yibo's mood. Getting out of his bed he went to Zhan's bed and admired Zhan's sleeping face. To him it felt as if a baby rabbit was sleeping. After he felt satisfied, he decided to wake him up and so called for him.

"Zhan! Wake up!"

But the said man seemed to be deep in sleep. There was no response.. rather Zhan continued snoring lightly. But as stubborn Yibo was, he would never give up easily. He poked Zhan's soft fluffy cheeks with his index finger and then tickled his neck, but all Zhan did was stir in his sleep and turn to the other side.

What the hell is wrong with him?!

"Zhan! Zhan! Zhan! Zhan! Its already
9 a.m., wake up already! We need to meet our classmates for breakfast at 9.30 a.m. !"

But he just didn't seem to bother.. and this made Yibo's mischievous mind come at play.

Yibo waited for an opportunity, and when he got it, he smirked and gently blew into Zhan's ear. Zhan at once jolted up and abruptly moved to the other side at the ticklish feeling and fell off the bed straight on his butt.

"Owh!! Yibo! What the hell! Who wakes people up this way!", Zhan yelled.

"Good morning ZhanZhan! Now you say.. what else could I do? You were not waking up anyhow.. but I didn't think you would fall down!", Yibo laughed out.

"You! Bad boy! Bad morning! Am still sleepy.. bye bye.", Zhan said as he plonked himself on the bed again for sleeping further. But Yibo stopped him.

"No way you're going to sleep again. We're already late.. now go and freshen up.. our other friends are waiting.", Yibo said.


"No buts.. what's wrong Zhan? You are an early riser, but why do you still feel sleepy? What pretty thing were you thinking of whole night that you didn't you sleep at all? Huh??", Yibo asked jokingly.

This question made Zhan to remember Yibo's words from last day.. which made him sad again. Not giving Yibo any further chance to tease him, Zhan pulled himself up from the bed and went straight to the washroom and completed his morning routine. After him, Yibo freshened up and they headed out together.

Reaching the dining room, they saw their classmates and juniors seated at different tables and having their breakfast. At a corner table they found Hao Xuan, Song Jiyang, Yubin, Zoey Meng and Zhuo Cheng waiting for them with breakfast as one of them waved at the two.

As they approached the table, Zhan sat down beside Zoey and Yubin. Yibo felt quite surprised as he saw Zhan sitting away from him. After all he was the one who never left his side, but today he did.

Is he angry with me ?

However he didn't pay heed to this doubt of his and took the empty seat beside Xuan and Jiyang. He thought maybe Zhan missed his other friends so he sat separately.

"Good morning Zhan, Good morning Yibo.. you guys are late!", Yubin greeted.

"Good morning! Yeah.. Zhan woke up late..", Yibo greeted and smiled at Zhan, but the boy did not return it.

"Good morning everyone!", Zhan greeted plainly.

Zhuo Cheng, who noticed the differences.. asked, "Guys, its strange! What happened to you two?? How come our best duo sat separately? Huh?". He wiggled his eyesbrows which earned him a smack from Xiao Zhan.

"Nothing's strange. I just wanted to sit with them. I'm always with Yibo.. so I thought I should attend to my other friends too..", Zhan replied.

I just need to stay a bit far from Yibo.

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