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it was nighttime again. and Sokka couldn't sleep. rolling over and over again on each side. he couldn't bare sleeping without Suki. it was the second night since she had left. a thought went through his head, "i could go see Zuko." he could, however it would be weird. would it? ugh whatever. he brushed his thought away and rolled on his back to face the ceiling.
"it wouldn't be weird. Zuko and i are just friends." he thought, convincing himself, he got up, took his pillow and went to Zuko's room who was right next to him. he knocked softly on the door. even if Toph was probably out by this time and Aang and Katara were deep asleep, he didn't want to bother anyone. Zuko wasn't asleep, his response was quick.
"come in." he said.
Sokka entered the room and made sure to close the door behind him, "Hi Zuko, do you mind if i sleep here tonight? i- i still feel alone." he asked timidly.
"sure." Zuko pat the place where Sokka would lay down.
Sokka placed his pillow next to Zuko's and laid down. no words were said. they both didn't know what to talk about. it wasn't so awkward however. it was kind of that comfortable silence. they didn't have much of those, but when it happened, it was precious.
Sokka was unable to sleep, his mind always thinking about Suki. he felt like he needed that touch. when him and Zuko hugged last night, he felt good. as if all his doubts and fears were healed.

Sokka broke the silence.
"um i know this is gonna sound weird but can i get a hug?"

Zuko wasn't surprised. Sokka always had been a physical guy.
"of course you can." he opened his arms so that Sokka could slip right in.
Sokka almost jumped in Zuko's arms which made Zuko's heart skip a beat. he was blushing, their breathing synchronized. Sokka's breath on Zuko's neck was somewhat relaxing to him. Sokka pulled tighter and so did Zuko.
Zuko wanted to kiss him. but he couldn't because you can't feel that way for a boy. was it normal to think that way? probably not, in Zuko's mind. what would Sokka think of him if he knew how we felt? he wouldn't know. i have nothing for him. we're only friends. i'm helping him out. Zuko took a deep breath.
"mmmh?" Sokka said, still buried in Zuko's arms.
"talk to me."
"about what?" Sokka said.
"about how you're feeling."
"right now i'm feeling great." Sokka tried to avoid the question.
"you know what i mean Sokka. you can't keep those emotions inside of you forever." Zuko said.
Sokka sighed and gently pushed away from Zuko's arms to sit down.

"i- i don't know," Sokka said, "it's only been a few days i have no reason to be sad about it."
Zuko was about to add something when Sokka said something again.
"it's just i never thought she'd leave. or at least not so soon. and now, now i feel alone. i feel empty. i could be hanging out with you guys like earlier at the tea shop but i would still feel like no one was there."
even if it had only been a couple of days since she had left, Sokka's eyes became more tired, and his usual jokes were now occasional. Zuko sat down to be on the same level as Sokka.
"you don't have to feel bad for feeling sad Sokka-"
Sokka interrupted him.
"that's not the problem. i feel bad because i shouldn't be whining like a baby. she's not dead she's just far away. but i still feel like i'll never see her again. i loved her." Sokka said, tears falling off his blue eyes.
Zuko was listening. that's what he did best. he wasn't really great at giving advices and he didn't want to upset Sokka.
he continued.
"i- i just got so used to her being always there i didn't anticipate that one day she would leave. she has things to do i understand and so do i, b-but.." Sokka couldn't finish his sentence. tears were now flowing down his face and his vision was blurry. he shoved himself into Zuko's arms for another hug. the two boys sat there, on the bed, hugging. only the moon was lighting up the dark room.
they pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.

Zuko's heart was beating at high rate and a million thoughts were going through his mind. why did he wanted to kiss him so badly? why a boy? it was illegal. or at least he thought. that's what his ancestors would say anyways. no no, he couldn't. he didn't want to feel this way. he looked away.
"you know Sokka, i think you're pretty strong. even looking at you right now i think you're probably one of the strongest people on earth."
"you're just saying that to make me feel better." Sokka said, looking at the bedsheets.
"no believe me i kind of admire you." Zuko said timidly.
"what? why?" Sokka exclaimed. Zuko admiring him? he was flattered. he would never in a million years Zuko would think of him as admiring.
"i don't know. you just have so much courage and everything i can't explain it but-" he gave up. he couldn't find the words to describe how much he admired Sokka. he didn't want to seem crazy or anything. Sokka smiled and hugged him again. this time a softer, calmer hug.
they laid down and slept in each other's arms. they fell asleep very quickly, compared to last night. Sokka felt happy and so did Zuko.

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