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a week had passed since Suki left and Sokka was feeling a little bit better. he hadn't been to Zuko's room again since the last time. to him it seemed perfectly fine, he just didn't sleep as well as when he was with Zuko. on the other hand, Zuko didn't try to go to Sokka's room either. he didn't want to bother. and it let him some space to think about his feelings who were still unclear. he tried talking about it to Iroh, with no success. he was scared of rejection. he knew Iroh would love him no matter what but this? maybe that drew the line. the two boys started working at the tea shop and for now it was doing great. Aang sometimes passed by and said hi. sometimes he was with Katara, other times with Toph. Zuko and Sokka liked this job. they had the same working shifts and when Iroh wasn't there -which was occasional but it happened- it was just them working in. the only thing was that Zuko wasn't anybody. he was the firelord. he often got recognized and people would say "aren't you the firelord? what are you doing here?". most of the times he ignored them and took their orders straight away. but other than that, nothing bothered him. Sokka liked that he was forgetting about Suki. spending time with Zuko made him forget about their breakup. it was at a point where when he didn't see Zuko, he would daydream about him. it felt weird, but Sokka didn't really think much of it. Zuko however, he needed to make up his mind. he needed to get it sorted out. the only person he could try talking about it to appart from Iroh, was Aang who was very understanding. of course, he was the avatar after all. Zuko went to the living room where Aang was sitting, reading some papers about important things. no one was home except for them. Toph was out again, Katara at work and Sokka decided to talk a walk around Bah Simg Se. Zuko sat down on the couch next to Aang.

"hello Zuko," he said, putting down the papers on the coffee table, "are you alright?" he said noticing Zuko's expression.
"yes yes i'm fine. look i needed to talk to you about something."
Aang was listening.
"i- i don't know where to start. so like um- let's say i kinda like this certain person okay? and um i'm not supposed to? what do i do next." Zuko's question was incredibly malformed.
"are you talking about Mai?" Aang asked. the person didn't really matter but the question made such little to no sense that he had to ask.
"no it's not Mai." he sighed, "it's someone completely different from her."
"well why don't you start by telling me about that person?" Aang asked. he'd never thought Zuko would come to him for love advice.
"i knew them for quite a long time actually. we haven't always been friends and then we became friends." Zuko was careful with his words, as much as he trusted Aang, he didn't want him to know who the person was, "and then our friendship started to grow bigger and bigger. and not long ago, they came to me for advice. and-" he was interrupted by Sokka and Katara opening the door.
"hi Zuko! hello Aang! guess what Katara found at a street market!" he took the container from Katara's hands, "FIRE FLAKES!!!"
Zuko and Aang looked at each other before looking back at Sokka.
"i found them at a local street market." Katara said, kissing Aang on the cheek.
"well that's nice but you know none of us can handle spicy food." Aang said.
"maybe not but i gotta admit they don't taste bad at all." she said, hanging her bag on a hook, "anyways, i'm going to prepare some side dishes so we won't be left hungry." and she went to the kitchen.
"so, Zuko do you wanna continue on our subject?" Aang asked Zuko.
"um no thanks i'll um talk to you about it later." Zuko said, his face was turning reddish, "i- i gotta use the restroom excuse me for a second."
in the bathroom, Zuko looked at himself in the mirror, his hands leaning on the sink.
come on Zuko. it's not that big of a deal. it's just Aang he won't hate you for it. plus, you won't be mentioning any names. make it seems as if it was a girl.
he took a deep breath. Katara called for diner.

they all sat down, Katara next to Aang and Zuko and Sokka next to each other. usually Suki was the one sitting next to Sokka, and usually, he would've minded if someone sat at her place, which is why Zuko always sat down in front of him, next to Toph.
"has anyone seen Toph?" Katara asked, putting down the plates on the table.
"i wonder where she is." Sokka said.
"she can't be that far," Aang assumed, "she's probably out there crushing some rocks for fun or something."
"she kind of worries me," Katara sat down, "she's always out during the evening and comes out very late at night."
"there's nothing to worry about," Sokka said, grabbing a handful of fire flakes, "she's the most powerful earthbenders out there. she can literally see with her feet!"
"yeah i guess..." Katara sighed.
"don't worry when i'm telling you she's powerful-" Sokka put only one fire flake into his mouth that he started crying.
tears were flooding down his face and his nose was running down.
"HELPPP!!! it's too spicy!!!" the table was laughing, "I NEED WATER!!!" Sokka screamed, "KATARA COULD YOU PLEASE BEND SOME WATER INTO MY MOUTH I'M DYING."
Katara, who was laughing so much there were tears coming out of her eyes, took some water from a glass and splashed it in her brother's face soaking his clothes. they all started laughing even more.
"thank you Katara, very funny." he said, sitting back down at the table.
they finished eating and Sokka went to his bedroom, so did Zuko.

Sokka laid down on his bed, facing the ceiling. his head was full of thoughts, but this time, they weren't about Suki. he was thinking of Zuko. usually, he would've ignored the thought, but not tonight. he was thinking about Zuko's laugh, about his voice that he loved to hear. he was thinking about how good he looked all the time without even trying. he was thinking about how bad he missed him, his hugs. god did Zuko give great hugs. it had been awhile since he did a little trip to Zuko's room. he didn't want to seem too desperate. he was sure that he didn't feel the same way he did. it would be pointless to tell him, he probably would've rejected you anyways.

Zuko was sitting on his bed, only a little lamp placed on his desk lit up the room. he was going back and forth, replaying his conversation with Aang earlier. gosh why am i so awkward, it's not so hard sharing your feelings. plus, it's Aang. he's understanding, he wouldn't judge you for that. he heard a soft knock on the door.
"Zuko? it's me, Aang. i wanna know if i can come in?" Aang was talking quietly.
"of course." Zuko replied.
Aang sat down next to him, "so... you were saying that they came to you for advice not long ago?" Aang remembered.
"yeah i guess that's what i said." Zuko added.
"do you mind telling me what's next?" Aang asked politely. he didn't want to invade Zuko's privacy.
"well um-" Zuko sighed, "when they came to me for advice we um sort of hugged? and we did it at least three times by now but i shouldn't be feeling all of this for them."
"why shouldn't you feel like that for them in particular?" Aang asked him.
to Zuko the answer was quite obvious.
"because we're not supposed to be together and we can't be and it's impossible."
"because they don't like you?" Aang tried to understand.
"no it's because i- i cannot like them." Zuko got out it out his chest.
Aang seemed to understand, but didn't ask any further questions on it.
"you know, the monks taught me that i could love anyone regardless of what someone else would say. not only me, but everyone could love whoever they wanted. so Zuko, just so you know, i would never judge you for liking someone that...  y'know, aren't supposed to like."
"thank you Aang." Zuko smiled at him.
"anytime buddy." and he smiled back.
Aang left the room, closing the door behind him. the conversation was quite short but Zuko felt more complete in a way. he knew Aang wouldn't hate him for it, so maybe Iroh wouldn't either? he wasn't ready to ask Iroh for advice yet anyways.
he closed the light, laid down and thought.
"what if he doesn't like me back?"

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